Hi Guys
Just joined the group so hi to all! I'm Craig, 45, from Cardiff, UK.
I was diagnosed with ataxia, peripheral neuropathy & other problems about 10 years ago, caused (I was told) by chronic alcoholism since I discovered it aged14.
I've been totally sober now for nearly 4 years but I'm convinced my ataxia is getting worse despite total sobriety! I also take a regular vitamin/mineral supplement just in case I'm not getting enough Thiamine.
I get the feeling from my GP that they're not interested as it's my own fault! I've had no advice on exercises to keep my muscle strength up, in fact nothing at all except for the diagnosis following a CT scan!
I've given up on going out! Unfortunately I don't drive & nowadays even find getting on a bus pretty much impossible! I'm feeling kinda lonely, down, frustrated & isolated!
I've yet to look at the site to see what's going on etc. I guess, apart from saying hi, I'm asking what others do for self help & what, if any, tests can be done to verify that my condition is getting worse & what could be the primary cause, if it turns out not to be alcohol after all? Also, is there a way (medication, diet.....anything) to slow down progression of the condition?
I don't know if it's even related but most recently my vision is blurring intermittently & my speech is becoming noticeably affected with some slurring & an inability to get my words out 1st time.
Sorry for droning on but any advice, friend requests etc. greatly appreciated!
🙂👍 Craig