Dear all
Have you experienced using hospital toilet facilities that were not accessible to you due to a lack of equipment such as hoists?
Rare Disease UK have been contacted by a patient member who is doing some voluntary advocacy work raising awareness about the lack of hoists, automated washing/drying toilets, and variable height sink/toilets in NHS hospitals.
She has found that very few hospitals (36) have a Changing Places ( toilet - which are different to standard accessible toilets and have room for assistants, equipment, hoists and adult changing benches etc. Without these facilities people struggle using standard accessible toilets or they do not have access to washing facilities to manage bladder/bowel continence.
They are looking for people who have experienced this lack of facilities to tell them about their experience and how they managed in this situation. These examples will be used in discussions with four Trusts, to show what it is like when facilities are not provided and what it means to people when they are, in the hope that some trusts may decide to provide these facilities.
If you would like to share a short paragraph (and a picture if you want) with Rare Disease UK they can pass it along. Get in touch with Farhana (Executive Officer of Rare Disease UK) by emailing
Best wishes