Has anyone got this? I have. Is it linked with Ataxia?
Dystonia: Has anyone got this? I have. Is it... - Ataxia UK

If you think of the movement at our elbow, we have a muscle responsible for bending it and a different muscle for straightening it. Dystonia results when both of those muscles become very tense for a sustained period of time leaving you unable to bend or straighten out your arm. This is applicable to every joint in the body where you have one muscle to move it one way and another to move it another way.
Unfortunately dystonia can be an accompanying feature of the cerebellar ataxias resulting in abnormal postures and twisting/repetitive movements. There are a number of treatments available for dystonia and you should speak to your neurologist as to which one he/she thinks would be the best for you.
Best Wishes
I've just written you a longish reply but it's disappeared (I hate that) thanks for comments, very helpful Harriet. Tired at moment but I'll write another reply later, off to sleep now.
Take care
Berejena x
Yes Spine a bit curved (scoliosis) but fractured spine in two places some years ago which must make diagnosis rather difficult I have Ataxia & Dystonia spring love plus getting older can be a factor.
Take care
Berejena x
Dear Berejena, My muscles (especially in legs and neck) get very tight. I don't know if this is dystonia or just a result of trying to keep myself upright when standing/walking (due to ataxia), My neuro prescribed Baclofen, but I couldn't tolerate side effects. ;o)
Thanks, Harriet!
I have SCA & was told I had Dystonia years ago, difficult to turn my head to left, neck muscles tremor & feel stuck