Soon, I will be in NYC andwill meet a PT who supposedly been trained in these vests. He is coming to me. Is there anythng special to know or ask? N
Balancewear vests. Anyone have them? Use them? - Ataxia UK
Balancewear vests. Anyone have them? Use them?

You may have to have the weights adjusted at a later date so ask him if you can Skype him or send videos of yourself. Good luck with it I hope it works for you. Take photos of where the weights are on the vest in case you need to take them off for washing the vest. Also he should give you some exercises wearing the vest.
How where can we get them here in UK please?
I've already responded to your question on the Living With Ataxia site, Neta. ;o)
Hi t here,
Well, I met the PT trained in the Balancewear Vests. His name was/is Dr. Kanter and he is based in NYC. He did test me extensively and my skeptical brother was present. Dr. Kanter said I am not a candidate for the vests at this point. Why? He said basically I was suffering primarily from a balance problem, and advised me to fix that via exercise. I think these vests are for hardcore ataxics such as people who are holding on to walls etc. He spent alot of time w me and gave me three new home exercises.If you are really incapacitated, it might pay to at least speak to one of these PT's and think about a trip here to the USA. At this point, the vests are only available here in the USA The vest was unhelpful to me but apparently do work for some. N
Try the OTvest at Exercise is important and swimming is great, but the weights provide extra stability. On the Uses page, click on the blue highlighted words Ataxia or movement disorders. Good video of woman with ataxia wearing the OTvest and taking it off. Big difference in her walking!
Thanks for info. We've now found an individual person who is custom making a balance vest for Chloe (15 - F.A. - still riding )
Important where the weights are placed. That's why I recommend the OTvest . The weights are around the upper body -- back and chest- and very well made!
Good, Great, Send pix N