Twitchy lungs and curry?!?! - Asthma Community ...

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Twitchy lungs and curry?!?!

8 Replies

Don't know if I'm imagining it but does anyone else's lungs kick off after curry?

Weird question I know but I went out for a curry tonight for the first time in months and now my lungs are kicking off (not urgent all under control with ventolyn and symbicort).

Maybe just a coincidence and they're actually just twitchy anyway....

8 Replies

Do you have any known reactions to MSG, colourings, preservates, sulphites or salicylates. As all the above could be in the food you are eating depending on the type of curry you had and all could trigger your asthma. Hope your lungs behave themselves soon...

Thanks malawi, didn't think,about that!

MSG sets off my IBS so may now be a trigger for my asthma too ( got lots of triggers now my lungs are hypersensitive so I'm on a learning curve with it all).


Hello all,

Funny you should say that, im newly diagnosed with Asthma and i dont know what my triggers are its too soon but when it first happend about a month ago before diagnosis i made a carribean curry goat, im used to spices have had lots of curry before but this dish out of Levi Roots boot had ingredients i had never tried before such as= Pimento, scotch bonnet, all spice and all purpose seasoning...I loved it and cooked it three times in a week and again the following week as i couldnt get enough of it then wham! Asthma attack. Itold the doctor but she laughed and said unlikely.

When you cook at home you are less likely (allowing for personal taste) to put in all the artifical stuff that you get with processed foods or food from restaurants, where you have less control to what goes into your food. The goat curry sounds nice...

I find coconut sets me off on the asthma cough so avoid the Kormas. Also corn on the cob is a recent trigger. It's a pain working out triggers, isn't it?

It certainly is grannymo!

I kept finding new ones as I come across new situations, then I need to work out which ones I can avoid, which ones I can't and which ones I can't avoid but can do something to help....phew, I'm exhausted just thinking about it!! :-)

One a huge positive which had me doing a little jig this morning, my pf was 470 this morning, a figure I have got nowhere bear in 5 months soooooo WOOP WOOP!

Near not bear....

good news about the 470 peak flow, lets hope you can keep it up, so not too much jigging or pf will be taking a dive.

it is such a pain working out triggers. and then, sometimes you can do nothing about them. i walked past a flowering hawthorn tree today and my heart just sank as i knew what would follow.

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