weather and asthma: hi, i hope... - Asthma Community ...

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weather and asthma

18 Replies


i hope everyone is well.

as much as i love the hot weather (sun tan :) ) the dry and heat is really making me wheezy and tight chested at night. inhalers are helping but only for short time, then i'm awake again. i'm not too bad during the day.

havent been like this in 2yrs (when it was last really hot!)

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18 Replies

I know! It's making me bad too! Hope you get some relief!

funny isn't it how this weather makes some worse and others like myself prefer this warmer air even though it is less humid than winter.

worse combo for me is hot and humid!

at least the weather has calmed down a bit now :)

worse combo for me is hot and humid!

at least the weather has calmed down a bit now :)

The weather over the weekend made me feel I didn't have asthma at all (apart from accidentally getting a gulp of bbq fumes, I knew all about that!!) I have found the cooler weather to set mine off, and the change from warm to cool suddenly makes it quite bad as well. Today it was quite cool on the way into work and I can feel the tightness in my chest and have a good cough to go with it, grrr!!


yes, I do get affected by the weather too. If its humid/thundery. Last year early july it was thundery all day. I did nothing but cough from morning to evening.

If its too humid I can also get sick but whether that is asthma or just me I don't know.

fog does it for me and sometimes really windy days.

I'd go back to your gp and get it checked with them as they may be able to prescribe something like steroids to help give you that boost.

Is it better now its cooler again?

hi...i love the sun and warm weather but it doesnt love asthma is as bad in the summer as it is in the winter...any extremes of temperature makes me wheezy and if i cant manage to get it sorted quickly im ill for hours, sometimes days after it has been really hot or cold. at the min im sure the pollen is making me worse although ive never been diagnosed with hay fever so although its killing me doing this-im having to shut the windows mid day to prevent the pollen getting in the house as per suggfestion by a nurse. have you tried having an air purifier on for about an hour before bed cos it might help x

The hot weather,muggy weather and winter makes my my lungs bad so hoping that now my

meds are working better I can control my asthma with my action plan.

The mucus tablets were a god send to me and no more constantly swollowing gunk and lungs

feel more clear from mucus.Glynis xxx

PS Last hosp stay was september 2009

The hot weather has struck again and my asthma back to action plan and can puff for england.

Even moving round the house is enough for me when like this.

Had my heart test back sent to doc but not seen him yet but the hospital heart con does not need to see me again so sounds promasing.

Got go see my Asthma con next week it carnt come soon enough and might alter my meds . xxx

My main trigger is change in weather. It is not a set weather but the change. ie yesterday was rain and today sun. My asthma is better when the weather stays the same for a week or more.


weather and asthma

I was feeling a little fed up, as i have had 4 asthma attacks in 4 weeks, 2 of which occurred whilst in hospital. I just got out today after another 5 day stay. My consultant believes the weather triggared it this time. I notice the sunshine today however, its making me feel so exhausted, drained and tired.

Aah I just want to have some semblance of a normal life...take care of urselves, thanks for the posts.


just done my peek flow and its 450 but chest so tight and weezy and chest feels heavy.

think will ring doc in morn go first thing about asthma and heart test.

any tips for helping asthma in hot weather would be great xxx

Mine's actually settled a bit! The heat is agreeing with my chest, even if the rest of me is boiling and it seems like the worst of the pollens I'm sensitive to have reduced, so if I'd answered two weeks ago I'd have said 'terrible' but things are getting better again.

Wearing my concrete waistcoat today. Elephants hug big time. :(

Fine otherwise. No breathlessness or coughs. :)

Asthma-girl profile image

This weather seems to be causing me several problems today very breathless and coughing.

I used 24 puffs in total of reliever realising that this was not sorting things out vey well I then used 4 puffs in total of my Atrovent.

I do hope things will settle down soon for us all

Mine seems to be a lot worse in the colder weather and the really cold winter there was terrible for me, along with all the chest infections

Do sometimes get a bit chesty in the warmer weather had it the past few days in work but generally colder weather is worse for me

My action plan is helping and also got a large electric fan realy helping also.

So sick of the weather too (though it may probably be due to recent stress too) yesterday I went out shopping with my partner and had to use my blue inhaler 4 sepatate times during the day and each time took several puffs before it improved todays just as bad can barely get my PF above 330 when normally its above 410. I'm dreading going out but i've been dumped with getting the shopping for brownie party tomorrow because mums leg hurts (dont even get me started) i know this is nothing compared to how much alot of you suffer but its getting to me at the min.

Thanks for letting me moan.

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