The damp weather is making my chest ache but peak flow as usual rock solid. I was wondering what other people's experiences and what they do if dampness is a trigger.
Damp weather and Asthma: The damp... - Asthma Community ...
Damp weather and Asthma

Dampness often comes with humidity or cold both of which can make symptoms flare, the only thing I can advise is make sure you keep dry and warm and if going out wear a scarf loosely around you neck, mouth and nose. Make sure you wash it frequently too 😉
Thanks doing all those things you mention.
Sorry I can't be of more help. Hopefully someone who has more experience will be able to give you some more useful pointers. I wasn't aiming for patronising so apologies if it came across that way.
No you weren't I just making sure I looking after myself well. I am a typical mum who puts children and husband before herself.
My wife is just the same and she won't let my son's or my asthma symptoms go unmarked but when it comes to hers ... It's always good to double check that you're not missing anything. I'd be interested to hear what anyone else has to say on the issue too, never too old to learn.
All weather isn't good for me cold damp whether get lots of chest infection and the summer always so whey because of hay fever I anm worse in the weather mothers Think Damp atmosphere is a trigger for a lot of us.x
I agree damp weather is a culprit for lots of us. Haven't had a chest infection in years so one thing I don't have to deal with. Have hayfever in the spring/summer but anti histamine takes care of that. Winter is my worse time for me. Cold weather is easier for me to do the scarfie.
As my chest is aching which I was told by asthma UK nurse that is my airways being inflamed. Lots of people here can up their inhaler no flexibility in mine seretide 250 mg two puffs. Just looking for tips etc
Yes, me, too, i think. Cold seems not a problem, but damp does, i think. My pf doesn't change, though. I don't ache, more of a tingley sense in my chest, breathing feels a bit affected. I wonder if it is small airways reacting.
As soon as I saw your comment I thought YES, the same as me. I live in Aberdeen, Scotland and although this winter has been quite good (no snow) we've had cold and of course damp days but on the really cold bright days I like to go wallking but I've also noticed that my cheast feels tight and I don't really know why.
Today (just woke up) it feels a bit tight and it's damp outside (even tho it's nice and warm in here). I took 2mg salbutamol tablet (or astahalin).
Hmm strange huh ?
Damp air is a trigger for me (I think most weather is a trigger).
If I can I stay inside (this is my answer to most things), if I can't I scarfie up and take extra blue if I need it.
Hope you feel better soon xxx
Hi Emily-G Is taking ventolin when my chest aches is a good idea. Just found out that my amazing asthma nurse is leaving. However the new one to my practice I am sure will be good.
My asthma nurse I'd had for years and years left last year, she was amazing and knew my asthma really well so I was v worried about who would replace her. My new nurse is lovely too, it ll take a while for her to know my asthma like Hazel did though. I really hope you get someone good. Having a really good asthma nurse who knows you I think really really helps.
Good luck and feel well soon xxz
I am fairly newly diagnosed. But i find any dampness in the air starts things up. I am now prone to making sure i am properly covered up as well. Scarfs and making sure a dont get chilled or damo when out
I find my chest can get tight without any change in peak flow (which I suspect is overrated as an indicator of anything much). Find that Ventolin helps a bit, but seems a bit unpredictable to know whether cold or damp is the culprit.
Damp weather is one of my worst triggers even though I never miss taking my preventer if I go out and its damp my asthma is really bad, I also take seitide 250 and was told to take 3 puffs 3 times a day when it's bad