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flu injection

19 Replies

has any one had problems with there flu jab this year,i understand it with swine flu this year.my asthma is very bad today. i had injection yesterday morning.

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19 Replies

Went on ok with mine and had pneumonia one at the same time xxx

I had flu and pneumonia jab at end of sept and i have had bad rib pain and chest ache since. It seems to be getting worse, im also having to use inhaler more- me thinks i'll have to go to gp. Asthma nurse had suggested this or that i could take pred again, but p/flows are low about 60 odd % but not in my boots.

I hope you feel better soon nicoledancer,

love sj

hi my 5 year old has had the flu jab , she had it last weds morning, by tea time she had temp, headache, sickeness and had this thurs, tues this wek came down with a cold peak flow down to 110 normally 160, got cough and temps , and of her food, having to have ventolin more often aswell ,taking her to see gp tomorrow, she is normally ok with the flu jab, last year ended up in hospital after the swine flu jab on nebs, was told it combined this year and it made her poorly again , hope you pick up soon xx

Unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it I am not allowed the combined jab as it has latex in the packaging. Wish manufacturers would get their act together and use latex free products. The unhelpful suggestion from nurse at GP surgery was to stay away from people with colds and flu etc... very difficult when your job involves working with the public...

My arm muscle was very swollen and sore for a few days, but other than that I was fine.

im oddly ok..


Just wanted to say be careful you have not had the merged vaccine which has had the swine flu vaccine added to it.

i had it as im having mini blips at the moment its like sinusitis, rhinitis, ear issues, gland and the works alternating couple of days apart. Just be wary of having the merged vaccine.


I was totally fine with the flu jab this year- infact I have been having flu jabs every winter for the last 5 years and the only side effect i have ever had is a sore area where there injection was given.

I did have a bit of a fever and headache and just generally felt a bit iccy after the swine flu jab last year though but I think it is worth feeling a little poorly for a day or too if it stops me getting the flu which would most probably result in me needing hospital treetment for my asthma.

hope everyone is well


i had it last year and found to have no side effects but is wierd as this year it made me feel a bit sick and really groggy for a afew days

Hi Nicole yes have felt pretty grim,sore itchy red injection site, low peak flow, breathlessness and very tired not my usual bouncy self at all!

Am assured that it is a dead vaccine and not the cause of the symptoms but I wonder as these started about 30 hours post jab.Hope you feel better soon.ros

mines on thursday so i guess wish me luck/ watch this space! ;)

the jab made me very ill :L

Hi everyone,

I just had mine and as so i feel fine, will post on in a few days if i don't, hope everyone feels better soon

Felt like death.....


I had my flu injection a couple of months back and within hours i felt terrible. Granted I was just getting over a cold which might have exacerbated the issue but I could barely function for a week.

I spoke to the nurse who said there wasnt any ""documented"" issues with this years vaccine but it did contain swine flu cultures which may have been the cause.

Looking on the web it seemed others had the same issues - headache, achy limbs, lots of mucus in the lungs etc.

Had mine this afternoon and so far have only got a headache. Although that may be because my mum went mad with the heating settings...

I was meant to have my flu and pneumonia jabs yesterday but as I'm already stuffed with a cold and heavy cough it was denied.... booked for 4 weeks time....

Hoping I'll be reeeeet with them but if not it won't be a surprise =)

hi again,

just to give u all an update, i had my jab yesterday and today feel really ill, i have a terrible rash on my neck and chest, sore throat and headaches. Anyone got any ideas of how to help???

angievere profile image

Hi Ryan, My son had a very bad reaction to flu jab a few years ago but the last few years he's been fine. I have never had a reaction (apart from a sore arm), neither has my husband who also has the jab (he's had bronchitis/asthma in the past.)

If you carry on feeling unwell, it's probably best to get checked out by your GP.

thanks for you reply i will just play it by ear

flu injection

I had mine a couple of days ago and no reaction so far.

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