am so down today I hate it when I am like this sorry
fed up: am so down today I hate it when... - Lung Conditions C...
fed up

Is it anything in particular or just general ?
What's up? Will talking help? Can I sing you a song, dance you a jig, tell you a joke, pour you a drink or just be there?
Don't be sorry. It happens to us all at one time or another. Having this condition is enough to test the patience of a saint never mind us ordinary mortals. Tomorrow will soon be here and the sadness doesn't go on forever. x
Summer is on it's way.
Yes we all get fed up, I been in so long I,m taking root.
Been in chat room but nobody in there but me and Johnw
What chat room?
Tinychat they were on about it this afternoon so thought would give it a go only Johnw was there. Now ive lost my way and cant get back to our chat. !!!
sorry .................
this post is about longdays having a hard time, not about your problems with some chat room, I sympathise but this is hardly the right place, I think it might lack sensitivity to post these sort of issues on an initial post which is asking for help
There are those long long days sometimes, aren't there?
When nothing seems good and there seems no point and no hope
And then suddenly the sun shines (well not often to be fair), the cat sits on my lap, I sleep well for once, a friend phones, I drink to much red wine, I actually watch an amusing prog on TV, my sons texts me or something else slightly good happens
And somehow I regain and remember the 'point'
Hope you can find pleasure in these little things ..... they are all anyone can have .... and can be all the world, whatever your health
Best best wishes
Be strong
I cant add to the above good advice but just to say keep all the advice by you to read when you are down -- love annie80x
Don't be sorry hun, we all get days like that. Hope you soon feel in a better space.
Lots of love
C xxx
Oh long days,big hug to you! We have all been there,so don't be sorry! The one positive is that it doesent last,so look forward to a better day tmrw.(if it does continue,seek help)Try & do something nice for yourself,spoil yourself a bit,you deserve it!
Love Wendells xxxx
No worries long days,,this has been a long long winter,,,most of us have the same feeling,,somedays,, Cabin fever thats it,,Lack of vitimin D causes it..Cheer up it be sunny soon gal xx
Longdays you do so well with the hand you've been dealt. No apologies needed whatsoever and I do hope that you're feeling a bit better this morning. Thinking of you. P xxx
Hope you are feeling better this morning Longdays, I get low days too. As someone has already said we need some warm, sunshine days.
Lib x
Longdays,sorry you are feeling so down, is there anything special that is causing your particially feeling very down
hi jan I am just havin more bad days than good , and am worried about my DLA with being on my own I know am not the only one in this world but its the unknown then with my emphysema just feeling sorry for myself. don't mean to go on thanks for getting back to me theresa
thank you every one for your kind words , their are more people worse off than me in this world
There always is someone worse off, but it doesn't always help to know that, and anyway it doesn't stop you feeling rotten and needing our support.
Why are you worrying about your DLA pet? (Apologies if I've missed a previous blog.) Have you tried contacting a local organisation dealing with disability rights? You could maybe go & see someone or chat on the phone, they can often help a lot as they're experts in benefits law.
ff x