Hi all
I've read some very long blogs posted over the last few days.....quite a lot of stress and distress about
It's none of my business but let's remember a couple of things
However different our 'backgrounds', our 'class', our 'intelligence' (whatever these really mean), our grammar or spelling etc. we are all similar to each other in the most significant way... crippled lungs and uncertain futures ..... this site is for us to support each other ....... what does that mean?
I think it means
'Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind' Henry James
If we aim to support not to criticise and are tolerant when criticised then we can all get along. People who thrive on being thin skinned and quick to be upset are to be pitied and supported; those who are quick to criticise are best countered by 'not rising to the bait' or forgiving them .... they may have some complex issues and/or fears and criticising others may help them.
I don't think these sorts of sites, with such a varied user list with only health issues in common can thrive without kindness and tolerance.
Sorry if that was a bit 'preachy'
Absolutely no criticism of ANY individuals is intended or implied.
All the best to all
Good health Keep smiling