There never has been nor ever will be another YOU, ever in the history of humanity & therefore that's to be CELEBRATED not commiserated! How on earth do we know what's going on within another person, no matter how good or fabulous their life looks on the outside? We can NEVER be like another person the same way as they can NEVER be like us!
So many people 'wear masks' to protect themselves from the ravages of a judgemental society & are therefore living an unauthentic life that in itself is full of misery & suffering. And yet, strangely enough, other people are looking at THEM & wanting to be like THEM just because of how wonderful their life looks on the OUTSIDE, when in fact, in many cases, their life can actually be a crumbling misery! Never judge a book by it's cover, even if it has a gold plated title!
Comparing ourselves with others is a complete waste of our time & energy & actually takes our focus off becoming the shining difference that we are! Polish & hone the beautiful differences that make you stand out from the crowd & make you exactly who you are, unique from everybody else! I THANK GOD there's only one like me in this world & that I'm the cracked egg in my own family! LOL!
The entire world is crying out for people who are courageous & brave enough to just be themselves . . . for THEY will be the shining light of inspiration for others to follow! I love that saying, "Don't try to be like someone else, they're already taken!" . . . Enjoy a FABULOUS day my lovely friends . . . . & let your differences shine for all the world to see!