Whats your favorite book? We are in need of some funny (laugh out loud funny as well as titters) titles & authors please xx
HERE BE DRAGONS.: Whats your favorite... - Lung Conditions C...

Too long to list here
Which dragon are you,,,,

Hi id I knew you,d ask! I was typing answer when you posted!!
Try just putting your top 3, if I had listed every one of mine I,d still be typing tomorrow we all get bored in the winter & could pick out those that sound interesting? the pic is my brood looking at their Dragon
I,m the 1 taking the pick
Really hard to pick just 3 but I'll try:
1. Precious Bane by Mary Webb
2. The Inimitable Jeeves by P G Wodehouse
3. Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy, with Tess of the d'Urbervilles hot on its heels!
ff x
In no particular order! But I've had to put four!
Uncle Tom's Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe
My Family & Other Animals Gerald Durrell
To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee
Adrian Mole Aged 13 3/4 Sue Townsend
A stone for Danny Fisher by Harold Robins
Can,t say I,ve heard of the first two but Tess, yes, I haven,t read it, I but it,s on my list to read,
1 Wolf Hall
2 Bring Up The Bodies by Hilary Mantle
3 Labyrinth Kate Moss
1. Pride and Prejudice
2. The Cornish Trilogy
3. In Cold Blood
Oh I'll add Under Milk Wood - it's what I'd take with me on my Desert Island...
I know we could be here all night I loved How Green was My Valley
Music everything from Bocelli to Vangellis
but i,m not ashamed to say I loved the Potter books, Harry not Bertrice (although they were lovely too
Oh yes Marie, we must have Dylan T, cos none of us is going to "go gentle into that good night" are we? That's a mantra of mine.
Poets: Wordsworth, Shelley, Wilfred Owen, Gerard Manley Hopkins
Songwriters: Burt Bacharach, Lennon & McCartney, Carole King&Gerry Goffin, Dolly Parton ooh so many!
Composers: Bruch, Grieg, Liszt, Shostakovich
oops there are more than 3 of each x

As i mentioned earlier 3 was a suggestion not an order or rule feel free to go mad & list as many as you like the more the merrier is my mantra

Shostakovich. Piano Concerto No. 2 in F major Op.102. Movement II - the most beautiful piece of music ever written.
Johnathon Livingston Seagull : the Glass Bead Game : Painting in Oils by E John Robinson

There you are Chris, I love books on painting but could never get beyond doing it by numbers bit like music I love all types but can,t carry a tune in a bucket
It's too difficult - the Hollow Hills - motivation and personality - games people play
I give up this is impossible

never give up Chris, it,s just a lighthearted blog aimed at getting to know everyone, there are no rules, no judgments, & it,s evolving to include music, plays, writers ect karen x
Any book by Bill Bryson. I loved Rebecca/ Daphne du Maurier, Rosie Thomas and many more.
Music - Neil Diamond, Burt Bacharach and many more.
James Herriot Elvis, Donny Osmond (i,d put a smiley that blushes if Gordon was here to tell me which keys to hit)
Don't cry Stitch I,m not tired yet & I,m sure we,re all happy to wait while you wrack your brains & then there,s the music
If you like crime novels, the "Brother Cadfael" series by Ellis Peters are all good reads. I was sorry when she died & wouldn't be writing any more! Also loved the Aurelio Zen series by Michael Dibdin (also dead, sadly). And anything by Wilkie Collins, Reginald Hill and Colin Dexter.
ff x

James Herbert,s Alex Cross books & Kathy Reichs, but i ,m not to keen on scary books although, oh god don't you hate it when a writers name is on tip of tongue! Richard something wrote the Merrily Watts? about a vicar ion the Hereford border! ( sorry for brain dead moment! it could last all night now
sillywitch, this is a great blog & has given me some good ideas
what's the funniest book you've ever read? apart from the Jeeves ones (&Adrian Mole as already suggested by libby), mine has to be Three Men in a Boat - I once tried reading it whilst commuting by train (in the quiet days when carriages sat only 8 people & there were no mobile phones) and burst into fits of giggles at the bit about the smelly cheese. I put the book away quickly but still couldn't stop guffawing for ages, soooo embarrassing!
please list some funny books, we could all do with a laugh
ff x
I read 'the Restraint of Beasts' a couple of years ago for book club and enjoyed it. I'm struggling to find books that are funny - I'm not automatically drawn to them and I guess humour is so subjective isn't it?
I love the Number 1 ladies detective agency books - but they are more gentle in humour!

James Herriot & Bill Bryson are already here but YES please give us more funny books perhaps we could ask King he must know plenty glad you like the blog & I,ve read Here Be Dragons which started it at least 7 times! thanks ff, Karen x

Around Ireland with a fridge.
Nick Drakes music has me spellbound. It's about the only music I'll just sit and listen to.
Similarly Vaughan Williams' The Lark Ascending fils me with such joy that it can turn a bad day to a good one.
I also love the Martin Beck series of books. It's a set of police procedural novels from the late 60's. fantastic - Swedish fiction.
I will also highly recommend vintage Ladybird books. I'm a collector - have over 400 and I love them. Informative, gorgeous the perfect bookshelf book!

I found 5 Enid Blyton when my eldest two were expecting their daughters & have just started reading them to the girls
me too on the lark ascending marie, it's probably the piece which is most evocative of summer for me, i absolutely love the intro
the ladies detective agency books are going on my list, & the martin beck ones - do you like stieg larsson and henning mankell too?
ff x
I've never read either ff. I'd like to read them but ice got a huge pile of books to get through although I will put them on my list.
Yes the Lark Ascending is lovely isn't it? Very summery - even when we don't have one!
Marie x
it's starting next weekend! x

Ah but where? I thought of renaming this season as the season formally known as spring (thank you facebook)

I loved the Ladies No.1 Detective Agency books too and don't forget Jo Nesbo!
Winne The Pooh A.A. Milne on so many levels
Cliff Tragedy by Eileen Dover
I Was a Tobacco Addict by Reahs Aching
Over the Cliff by Hugo First
& song titles, Smoke Gets In Your Eyes by Nos Moking
So pleased, nobody mentioned 50 shades of grey ..biggest load of crap ..(bad word)
VERY TRUE,,,it was a lot of twaadle

& you would know because? go on admit it you had a peek at it didn't you & before you ask NO because life,s to short to read bad books there are far too many damned good ones out there I havn't read & judging by the posts on here i,m going to have to add more to my list
Lord of the flies rings.
Great albums by Ivor Record
Cookbook by Iris Stew
Medical cures by Justin Time
A tale of a toilet by Alice C......
50 shades of Grey. It brings back many happy memories of many years past (if I remember correctly, but then the mind does play tricks on you).

My hubbies hair is 50 shades of gray
must stand out in your red bedroom

It,s not red! it,s SKY BLUE PINK

Ooohhhh! Get you sweetthing! xxxx
Candide (or The Optimist) - Voltaire. A timeless classic on the state of mankind.
East of Eden/Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck
The Glass Bead Game - Herman Hesse
And for a bit of humour try any Tom Sharpe novel, particularly the Wilt trilogy
Agatha Christe, Puccini and Barry Manilow
Anything by Roald Dahl, The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown and The Time Travellers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger to name but three. I love reading so have many others and would recommend Me Before You by JoJo Moyes and the novels by Victoria Hislop.
The Happy Prisoner by Monica Dickens is a good old tale too.
Must stop now or I will still be here at midnight. xxxxxxxxx
Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte...oh yes, and some of the James Herriott books made me laugh : -) xx
Mine are Book 3, Book 4 and Book 5. Never got past those.
I had the full 'works' of James Herbert which he signed every copy for my wife
Oohh great a lots of books and authors to add to my reading list....
My fav books of all time: The Tenant of Wildfell Hall and Agnes Grey: Anne Bronte
I love the Twilght and True Blood stuff and am a big horror fan: Shaun Hutson is the current read.
Authors: Patricia Cornwell, Val McDermid (Tony Hill series), and Agatha Christie and of course the wonderful Terry Pratchett (disc world series): Granny Weatherwax has me in stitches.
"You could read the Nac Mac Feegle like a book. And it would be a big, simple book with lots of pictures of Spot the Dog and a Big Red Ball and one or two short sentences on each page.” ~Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men

I,m torn between Edward & Jasper! to be honest either could have my neck
The Wee Free Men is possibly my favourite book of all time - I continuously roared with laughter all of the way through it! Have you read the others? I read I Shall Wear Midnight just before Christmas.
Tiffany Aching - brilliant character. I've read em all I'm afraid. I've yet to buy The Dodger or the newer ones others as I tend to wait until they are in the library or request christmas/birthdays as I prefer paperbacks otherwise its like I have a tonne of bricks in my handbag (and I have enough junk in there as it is, I'm sure with a good rummage I'd find a few pots n pans and possibly even if few prehistoric packed lunches that went with my good intentions lol.
I loved the twilight books, watched the first film and couldnt watch the rest!
enjoyed all the harry potter books too, and found another author very much like JK Rowling.....he is called Piers Anthony.
His Xanth series is brilliant! very potterish...although he started writing his in the late 70s I think, and this series has about 40 books in it! Im currently on book 34! lol
Music can be everything from take that up to meditation music...Im so eclectic!
Dont really watch plays/films much, my main hobby is all those hidden object games, really keep my mind active!!
Lyn x
Thank you all for sharing your favorite books with everyone here, I shall spend some time jotting down the ones I,ve always wanted to read but never got round to, I shall have time now to read them, Please take good care of yourselves Karen xxx