Has anyone been to rehab for copd - Lung Conditions C...
Has anyone been to rehab for copd

Hi Mogsy, do you mean the pulmonary exercise rehab programme? If so I have been going for 12 months now. I found that the initial12 sessions were very very helpful. I am now on follow up. I go every 2 weeks for exercises. I don't know if I an doing well because of the respiratory nurse s and physios presence. They give you confidence. Also it is like having a personal dr. As they are able to answer questions and advise. Well worth it. I can't believe what I can do. Pauline
Yea I've been mogsy and with my experience would recommend it. I gave the same advice to lindsirose but when she got there the setup they had got was very limited. In chesterfield they have a fantastic range of exercise equipment so it looks like it depends on the county's funding as to what equipment they have. Overall I'd say give it a go. It certainly did me the world of good. There's some great people all with a simular problem to your own to mix with. I would say go for it,!!!! All the best. Mick.
All the people there are in the same situation,,some better some worse,,you will learn a lot regarding COPD..Give it a bash you wont regret it,,all the best
It's a good thing to do Mogsy, you will learn a lot about COPD and be able to ask questions. You will also practice and learn exercises you can do at home. It's good also to be with other people with COPD as you can talk about personal experiences etc.
I did a 12-week course at my local hospital and found it really good. I found that by pushing myself I could gradually increase the amount of exercise I was capable of. Sadly, I've found it difficult to maintain the level of exercise since I finished the course and, in spite of recommendations from my consultant, I have not been able to get on another course. I would definitely say that if you have been offered a course, grab it with both hands!
I'm waiting to go on the 16th of this month for my initial assessment...will keep you posted.
Hi Mogsy yes I m going at the moment and would recommend it. Everyone does as much as they can according to their ability. Could be a little or a lot. I ve been going eight weeks now and have noticed an improvement even though not too well some of the time, I have severe emphysema and at the moment have a nasty bug in the lung that does not want to shift., so am struggling a bit more than usual, but still worth while going just a bit more effort needed/ Have learnt a lot from the talks both medical and useful tips to make life easier, like breathing out before putting on shoes and socks and taking small breaths while putting them on . Lots of little things you may not think of to make life easier. And of course there s always tea and bix do give it a try it s worth it.
I finished a 12 week course in Feb this year ... it was an eye-opener, you don't really realise that as silly as it sounds no one will die of BREATHLESSNESS!!! it's only because we are afraid of the sensation it brings that we are reluctant to push ourselves ... I hold my hand up to this along with many others I believe ... I've made friends that I would not have known otherwise and now enjoy life better in the knowledge that I can cope.
Take care and enjoy
i am starting mine tomorrow ,I`m a bit apprehensive as i can`t do any sort of exerscise without getting really puffticated( as the great grand kids call it.) but ,reading some comments i will probably be better off for doing it
My course a year ago was only 6 weeks, with very limited equipment, but it still helped a lot. Hard to keep up the exercises afterwards, though. That takes willpower.
When I finnished my rehab we had nothing for COPD suffers so I started a Breathe Easy exercise class. We will have been running for a year next month and we have on average 20 people a week turn out even in the snow. We do an hourse chair based exercises and then have a cuppa and a chat. I think everyone gets something out of it. Why not start your own. if you need help I'm here.
thank,s for your answers everyone ,really helpful
Just in the initial stages myself mogsy having had the "fun" of post op Pneumonia which exposed an underlying COPD. In my case though I haven't yet had what I know will be the extra benefit of comradeship and shared experience/knowledge that comes with working in groups as my background condition (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome) has meant my initial rehab is being done 1-2-1 and has already required referral back to "normal" physio to help improve the stability and strength of my shoulders so that I can start to try and move on to the stamina building side of rehab and also hopefully join in on some of the joint sessions as well so for me this is going to be a long haul but that's ok as for me simply not going backwards so fast will be a great improvement. LOL
I go for my assessment on Friday and looking forward to starting as I have heard nothing but good things about the course
I did the first course in 2007, just after stopping smoking and it's the best thing you can do (apart from stopping smoking obviously).
I could barely walk when I started it but you build up gradually over the weeks, your confidence grows, you make friends with people with COPD who know what you are going through and everyone supports everyone else.
Following a spell of very poor health in 2009 I went back and did it again and found it just as helpful. I have carried on exercising and now exercise regularly at home. It really does make a difference. Good luck with it and let us know how you get on. x
I go for my first appointment on the 18th - and I was scared to go - feeling a bit better about it now after reading all this. It's been a bit of a shock, thought I had another chest infection then find out that it is emphysema and asthma - I had not heard of copd until 2 weeks ago.
Hi Mogsy,
I am a Respiratory Educator and help run those programs. We always have a long waiting list and most people who attend, find tremendous benefit. Some are unable to participate fully in the Gym but learn passive exercises to do instead.Not only the exercise component but full education is given on all aspects of managing your lung condition more effectively yourself including taking your medications correctly and understanding why and what actions they do. I would certainly advise you to participate if possible.
Definitely, definitely, can't praise it enough. Didn't realise some people can get on a longer course, as Tmazz says, there is a waiting list, I had to wait months to get on it. As to 'equipment' WHAT EQUIPMENT!!? Ours was a very basic gym, but the exercises were all (apart from the bike) things you can do at home. All you need is a chair, a wall and a step of some kind. The weights we used can be substituted with 2 pt milk cartons filled with water. Trouble is that I just don't carry on with the exercises as much as I should. Bit boring on your own! I do try to keep up the walking though, and, unlike pre-course, I push myself. I do find this extremely cold weather gets to me and I am reluctant to venture out!