Not coughing up gunk anymore... - Lung Conditions C...

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Not coughing up gunk anymore...

6 Replies

And I'm worried!! Until my last visit to my consultant I used to nebulise in the mornings - this usually loosened some gunk up. My consultant said he wanted me to stop nebulising/taking blue inhaler and to try Symbicort instead. I've done this and feel fine apart from I no longer cough anything up. I'm worried I'm storing problems up if I've got gunk but its not coming out. Any thoughts or experience.

Marie x

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6 Replies

Having gunk on your lungs i never good but if your doc as give you inhaler that helps stop it thats a good thing

I noticed my steriod inhale stops the vast amounts of mucus i was coughing up .. Which is always a good thing ... Blue inhaler when av used it pruduces mucus in me .. I was told not to use my blue one that much with my steriod inhaler un less vital

Like thay say everyone is diffrent ... But a would not worry sounds like your docs on the ball

All the best :)

dall05 profile image

Not Producing gunk has got to be a good thing as long as your breathing has'nt worsened. The time to worry is when you are producing more sputum than normal. As Daz said your GP seems to be getting it right. Good for him and good for you. :) stay healthy Marie.

pedantic profile image

HI Marie,

I don,t think you have anything to worry about in regard to taking Symbicort.I have been using it daily since diagnosis in May 2012 & have suffered no side-effects.It does seem to me that you are doing well,deservedly too as you are a nice lady.I thank you once again for the support you gave me last summer.Take care & best wishes to you Marie xx :)

moneal profile image

Symbicort has made my life easier, brilliant product as far as I am concerned, but like all medicines they don't suit everyone, I had a very bad reaction to another combination inhaler, and was then given Simbicort and felt so much better ever since. I am no expert but I would love not to be coughing up gunk all the time, I think if the gunk is there the body will try to get rid of it. Sounds like your GP has got it right.


caroleoctober profile image

Hello Marie, I have severe copd, I use symbicort and spiriva. The only time I cough up 'gunk' is when I have an infection, and I rarely cough normally which means I don't get looked at so often when I am out! Keep well and keep smiling.

Carole x

brooksju profile image

Hi Marie, I like carol only cough up the gunk when I have an infection, touch wood I don't cough any other time which is so much better, I would say that your meds are good and GP has your condition under control so don't worry yourself, I used to think like you that the gunk needs to come out but was told I was fine by my GP.

Keep well x


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