i was just wondering ,no one seems to mention there lung capacity peek flow ? this gives a good idea of how you lungs ar coping,,,every copd patient should have one of these meters
does every one know there lung peek f... - Lung Conditions C...
does every one know there lung peek flow every one should have a meter

Mine Was Close To Normal By Every Measurement .... Only At My Ct Scan Shown True Horror ... A Tend To Go Of Co2 Sats Now
Here Is Usefull FEV Co2 Stats Graph almostadoctor.co.uk/content...
Peak Flow is normally for Asthma, it's not supposed to be used as a means of diagnosing or treating COPD or other lung conditions. A lot of people don't have a meter at home.
Even if they had, we're all very different and what may be a good result for one would be poor for another. There's a useful reference site for asthma sufferers at peakflow.com/top_nav/normal... but always best getting a GP or nurse to do the proper spirometry tests for COPD.
I Have Question @Gordon57 Would Them Strips You Pee On Be A Good Sats Test For Test Alkalinity In Your Blood And Do You Think Tay Do Such A Thing ?
it can tell the power of your lung air flow. at the end of the DAY all chest problems which are chronic in my opinion finish up as copd,,,,my best reading is...230 ,,,270,,i have seen it as as 150 ,when iam bad this only my personall opinion ,i dont have asthma although years ago the doctor's treated me for it ,,after many tests ,they decided i have chronic bronchitis bye the you dont have any phlegm with asthma,over many ,over many years i have been through ever machine and computer available,,,,,,i would like to point out chronic bronchitis is proscribed industrial disease now,, it took me 6 years as a miner to win my case with the the n.cb which i reieved considerable compensation ,,,if your bronchitis was caused by dust etc'' you could be entitled to an indusrial injury benefit,,,,,obviously iam refering to your workplace .just thought i would pass this on iam now diagnosed with copd
Cheers for shareing your finding yes a having problems with iibd to ... Mine is compounded by my doctor tapring with my medical notes ... But i am in process of teaching them a lession thay wont forget
But yes iidb and atost think am fine said i have no fibrosis .. A said that great when did atos send me for ct scan or even look at my scan
But yes cheers for feed bach great help
All the best
There are many grades of test strips, it depends on what you want to test for. They're not much good with blood as they are designed for urine or saliva. I think there are some that give an indication of alkaline in the blood, you test your spit and pee first thing in the morning, but best to speak to a GP or nurse about that. Ph testing is beyond the level I can comment on - 'cos I know little about it
Cheers ... A Look Into It Further I Know Blood As Co2 Levels Like We Monitor For Oxygen Levels .... As To Stop It Dropping Why
I Know Obvious Reasions Why .... But What Happens To Our Blood Will It Turn Moor Alkalinee After All We Are Just A Vat Of PH Soup .... Like Our Lungs Are F#### To Put It Blunt But We Still Have Fine Digestive Systerm
So Why Cant We Make Use Of That For Puting Oxegen Into Our Blood Streams After All Is Not Oxgen A Chemical Element .... If Like They Say Our Body Will Do Its Best To Find Alternatives Why Is There Not One
These Sciencetist Need To Get There Finger Out B4 MMU .. It Not Like I Have All Day
Cheers For Answer @Gordon57
All The Best
Hullo Dazis - I am following your comments with interest. Full of interest but I am a feeling you need to approach the factory that designs our bodies. No, I am not being funny because I know you have an active brain which works things out. So keep on with your blogs. Tell me --B4 MMU??? Is that text speak?
aye thats what i mean ,when i go down to say 120 ,that quite bad,at the moment iam stable at about 270, on agood day nearly 300,iam quite happy with that stich..wishing all the best....stck in there
I use a peak flow and have to keep a record for the COPD team that visit me.Nobody has ever told me what nornal is ,anyone got any ideas.
iam surprised your copd never told you a normal pair of lungs can read 550 600 ,your are lucky you have ateam ,,isee a p/nurse once a year ,or in an emergency and even then i would have to more than w/k........the meter reaches 800
i used tae have chart,to wright in the meter reeading every day,,,thought it was it was futile
I suppose they are frightened of being accused of saying people are sub-normal
he's llucky my very best 230