Is this a facebook or a forum the BLF already have an active facebook page why would we want another I do not do facebook, twitter, or predictive text will all those who are not social media savvy be excluded by changes that would limit use and freedom of expression.
What is it ?: Is this a facebook or a... - Lung Conditions C...
What is it ?

Hi traindriver,
The web community is a forum for people to ask questions, write about their day to day life, share things of interest, sort through thoughts and emotions and there is also the opportunity to ask badged BLF Helpline experts questions and take part in polls linked to living with a lung disease.
The BLF Facebook is an arena for sharing less personal information and read about the work the BLF has done. Whilst we share lots of patient and fundraising stories, the Facebook page is not led directly by patients and carers like the forum is. There is not the same opportunity to share and discuss in the same detail. Twitter is similar, whilst it is a great way to get BLF and lung health news and information in a compact way, there is no way to have long in depth discussions and chats as take place on here.
The web community is dedicated to making the forum as user friendly as possible and with 2000 members and growing it's a great place for people to come and talk.
For those who aren't keen on computers there is always our 240 Breath Easy groups which are nation wide for people to go and chat face to face with those in a similar situation. For those who are unable to leave the house, the Penpal scheme and the Helpline are always there to offer help and support.
Do let us know if you have anymore questions or feedback.
Best wishes.
A good question traindriver
I think the BLF may have decided on a Facebook page to maintain a high profile and encourage donations, whereas the forum is for discussion of more 'sensitive' matters between those of us living with lung conditions, plus a few lighthearted subjects which help cheer us up.
I don't 'twitter' or use a mobile phone with apps but I certainly don't feel in any way excluded by these changes. On the contrary, I feel I may be liberated by them
I use my lap top with keenness, and my kindle fire. It ends there! No texting or twittering - sorry tweeting for me. Mobiles are good in an emergency, but not to interrupt social occasions. Old grot - NO!
Using the forum does appear popular though I share similar concerns with some users that some ahem "senior citizens" can feel excluded if chopping and changing how we communicate with each other.
Keeping an open simple format with as few complicated options as possible would be my preferred option, given that a hand held computer in my youth was an abacus it is bothersome when things are re-packaged for supposedly improving use.
Hi all,
As lung disease affects all age groups and we have a range of supporters it's important to reach out to everyone on a number of platforms - as you point out different age groups are comfortable with different ways of communicating. For example, fundraisers like to use Facebook to share photos but they would not use the forum as they may not have a lung disease themselves. Others like to keep an eye on the BLF news on Twitter and others don't like to use the internet at all so visit Breath Easy or call the Helpline.
Using lots of different platforms of communication (both online and offline) is important to reach out to as many people living with lung disease, carers and supporters as possible - young, old, with, or without a computer. It is then up to them how they choose to communicate with us.
Is there something in particular that has changed which is more difficult to use recently? Do let us know.
I think it's great that the BLF uses all the varied forms of social media available as well as the forum, Breathe Easy and Breathing Space to communicate with as many different groups and ages of folk as possible. It's in our interests that they do! jean
well said
Communicating with as many as we can is the best way to find the missing millions with copd that do not even know they have it or the snorers with sleep apnoea that can be helped at the same time as using ways of talking with each other when we get found is certainly something that the BLF lead the way with and have for many years.
Listening to users through the feedback (right side of the screen) is the way that any improvements or changes will come about as we all strive for the greatest site that can be.