In December I wrote a blog asking 'Can I expect more" after my GP diagnosed COPD and gave me a printout telling me I had up to 2 years to live.
People on here gave me were great. Most said get a second opinion or change my GP.
This week I saw another GP in the same practice and asked him all the questions I gleaned from these blogs, especially Nurse Vicky Barber and Aunty Mary and many others.
The new Doctor immediately offered to review the single lung function test I had last August and the notes from my previous doctor.
His verdict (Subject to consulting a colleague to make sure) is that I have NEVER had COPD.
In his opinion I have mild ASTHMA!
I left with an appointment to see the asthma nurse and told to use the inhaler more.
Can you believe that! After six months of waiting to die to be told it was a wrong diagnosis
I was so delighted and happy I went straight from the Doc's to the supermarket to surprise my wife by doing the weekly shopping.
I had hardly started shopping when the pains in my sides were crippling me and the effort it took get through the checkout was awful.
Is that Asthma?
Of course I am extremely relieved with these developments but why am I so suspicious of the diagnosis.
At least the Doctor acknowledged I had been depressed and asked me to see him should I start to feel bad again. He also accepted me as a patient so long as I put the request in writing.
I should be 'cock a hoop' and planning holidays and such but I am not because I am not sure I still have the right diagnosis.
Believe me I truly really want the Doctor to be right.
Am I paranoid
With thanks and regards to all.