Although I haven't written anything in my blog for sometime, I am sill struggling with my COPD or rather my short of breath which is coming more detrimental. Unfortunately, my physical exercises are very limited on account of my childhood polio and couple of major operations to my knee and hip. I think it is important for you to know that I live in Egypt where the level of rehabilitation or means of ascertaining the extent of the illness or measuring its effect are not available at the required standards. My local consultant, who I respect very much, recommended that I go abroad to a treatment diagnostic and rehabilitation center. Having lived in England for sometime during my university time and thereafter working in the city of London I intend to come to the Royal Brompton Hospital for that purpose while, at the same time, the idea of going through a lung volume reduction procedure could be an option. I was also told that such procedure may either by through surgery or the placement of valve within the airways of the lungs.
I would be very grateful if any of you who has experienced any of those procedures help me understand what would be involved.
Hope you all have had an enjoyable holiday season. With my best wishes to all for a prosperous 2013.