I need to..........: VENT MY SPLEEN... - Lung Conditions C...

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I need to..........

27 Replies

VENT MY SPLEEN! It's not very often I have a moan and I know no one can do anything about my condition (copd) but I am so sick and tired of being breathless all of the time, these past few days have been really bad, change in the weather perhaps. Yes I know every one gets breathless but its so tiring and tiresome. I don't think some people realise how frustrating it is, Getting breathless doing your hair,putting your shoes on even pulling your knickers up. OHHHH I am sick of it! I know some people are worse of than me and I am sorry, I guess I am just having a bad day and feeling sorry for myself. Tomorrow is another day and hopefully I'll feel better. Thanks for listening xx

27 Replies

Hi Gillyj. We all have these days love. Allow the frustration another hour (NB you are allowed to kick and spit) then lock it back in the cupboard until next time. xxx

sitstand profile image

hi better day after the spleen has had a bit of exercise it is no good screaming it just fades away before it all gets out. Chin up hun xxx

Thanks girls xx

jojam profile image

Hi Gilly

I know just what you mean, frustration !!! sendind you big ((((hug)))) hope it helped to vent on hear feel free to do so whenever you need too.

Best wishes

Jo :-)

evo1510 profile image

if you feel like haveing a moan carry on if it dose you a bit of good..

ingy profile image

Hi Gilly, I know exactly what you mean!! I had a few tears yesterday, feeling sorry for myself, and very frustrated.There is so much we want to do, and so hard to ask for help. People think we are mad when we cant dyr out hair or as you say put shoes or socks on.Yes we can do it, but its so hard. I have days when I just dont want to get dressed, but I really dont want to get in that rut. So pick yourself up again Gilly, put a smile on your face...or think of something funny, and remember, tommorrow is another day. Take care, and carry on moaning as much as you need to. :)

Gordon57 profile image

ingy says> ...pick yourself up again Gilly, put a smile on your face...or think of something funny... Hmmm - Please tell us more about the knickers, colour, type ;) - erm, I mean - I've got to agree about every little thing NOT helping. I've had two trips to the GP surgery in as many days, and got home totally SOB both times.

I've had my flu jab on Monday and a spiro test on Tuesday and played the game of bus-hopping both times. That involves jumping on a bus for only one or two stops then getting off to catch another, hopefully, that's going more in the direction of home.

It's a game I've had to learn as the main interchange here is 250 metres long, and on a slope. You can bet that whatever bus you get from near the surgery is going to end up at the bottom end, whereas my bus home is nearer the top end. There is one common point on the way in, a street in town where the drivers change over and nearly all the buses go that way before the interchange. I've found that if I get off there I can often get the bus I need to get home.

Not always though, it's russian roulette time as the buses never seem to stop at the stands they should. There are 5-6 of them in the street but one bus mis-parked, waiting for a driver to take over, can cause chaos and my bus may well stop at a different stand. I don't have the puff to keep running back and forth so I tend to stay at the one it should stop at, then wave my fist, I mean hand, to catch the drivers attention - even if he has already been stopped further up the street.

If it gets past me than I've 30-60 minutes to wait, depending on time of day. I could take the risk of any other bus to the Interchange and hope to connect there, but that's never worked out for me yet. The only saving grace is not having to drag myself through the entire interchange now I've learned to get off and watch for my bus a stop earlier.

It's all part of life's little frustrations, and I get very angry with the buses when they don't stop where they should do. The drivers whine and say we can catch any bus to the interchange, which is correct, but it's when I get there I have problems. getting to the stand I need to be at, which they don't appreciate will make us breathless.

I also know there are people worse off than I am - but it's still OK to have a moan about these things, somehow it makes them seem less of a problem - until the next time... :D

Thanks all for good wishes and hugs, feel better already. xx

Hello Gordon, nice to see you back, as for the knickers (saucy) nothing spectacular now days, I have put so much weight on its the big Bridget Jones ones now.

Its that time of year as well when the atmosphere of Christmas make you rush round like a mad thing whether you want to or not. I have therefore decided that, contrary to popular belief, I am not a mad thing and from now on I am going to calm down and take things at my own pace. (till next time)

Breathe easy all xxxxxx

Gordon57 profile image
Gordon57 in reply to

Bridget Jones will do ;) Was aiming to get a smile out of you, hope that worked. BUT... It could be the excess weight of those that make them more difficult to ... OK, I'll shut up about them now :D

No mad rushing about, it's not good for you. I totally ignore the TV adverts that tell us we must spend like crazy and get big pressies for all, then try and cook for an army and go visiting every relative in one day - it does not happen like that any more.

A word for today - Sedate: meaning Calm, dignified, and unhurried. rather than any thoughts of needing to be sedated through doing too much !

Kazza01 profile image

your allowed to vent.. i have those days when im totally fed up of getting breathless and do nothing because i cant be bothered to get out of breath. Tomorrows another day....keep your chin up :)

FatBoyNotSoSlim profile image

A pity party is like a birthday party ......... only better!

No need to invite anyone else and have to be sociable; no need for cake and therefore no extra calories; you can still have an alcoholic drink and no need to share your favourite tipple with others. It's a win, win.

I hope your vent has helped you cope.

Gordon57 profile image
Gordon57 in reply to FatBoyNotSoSlim

If you ever get involved with one of mine the alcoholic drink is a must, amazing how soon you forget what you are moaning about :D

Only trouble is, you're going to be moaning about something else the morning after... :(

FatBoyNotSoSlim profile image
FatBoyNotSoSlim in reply to Gordon57

A pity party is just not a party without alcohol! Next time you have one Gordon I expect a VIP invite :-)

scotts35 profile image
scotts35 in reply to FatBoyNotSoSlim

Pity some of the medication does not mix well with alcohol :-(

sassy59 profile image

Vent away gillyj! Pete is thoroughly fed up at the moment with wheezing and feeling breathless just getting up from the couch to go into the downstairs loo! I think it is just the time of year unfortunately but now, according to the paper, we have to all be careful of the winter vomiting bug. They say that so many will be suffering over Christmas. Great! What next, the plague?! Everyone do your best to stay as well as possible and Merry Christmas to you all. Welcome back Gordon. xxxx

derrylynne profile image

It is quite all right to have a vent. I do sometimes. You maybe right about a change in the atmosphere as I had a good time three days ago, made the best of it, but yesterday and today I am much more puffy than usual. Like you I hate it. Feel better soon:-)

Thanks everyone, I was supposed to be up early today and be out and about delivering cards and stuff. I am still in my jym jams drinking coffee and relaxing, sod it, today is mine :)

in reply to

That's the spirit! xx

libbygood profile image

I've been feeling sorry for myself just lately, rang the doctor to see if I can double up on anti-depressants which I can, feeling more SOB just lately which depresses me and I do know there are folks worse off than me, and I have alot going for me, but a good vent does you good.

Good to see Gordon is back - for good hopefully

Lib x

Gordon57 profile image
Gordon57 in reply to libbygood

I sometimes feel like being a bad boy as well... ;)

libby7827 profile image

Hi Gillyj - feel exactly the same today woke up grumpy today. Had a really good couple of days, breathing (and therefore mood) seemed a lot better, yesterday and today not so good. (why does that happen?) Ho hum! Hopefully tomorrow will be better for us both! Fingers crossed eh! Libby x

I put a lot of it down to this horrid weather, damp and dull. It's enough to make anybody feel down. I'm just pleased that I live on my own as I have a feeling I would be unbearable to live with. My poor cat just about tolerates me.

Gordon. I get the feeling that you are often a bad boy, I'll bet you keep your wife on her toes ;)

wishoz profile image

I have not written before, but had to today after reading about everyone having blue-down-in-the-dumps days, I too have been feeling very disheartened lately, and everything being such hard work while battling with the breathlessness - good to know that it is part of the COPD condition and not me being pathetic ! so shall continue to puff and look forward to the Spring, nearly the shortest day now, so as the days get lighter -hopefully so will our moods......

Merry Christmas all


in reply to wishoz

That's right, we can all puff away like an old steam engine until we arrive at the station for a rest!

tigplyer profile image

i am the same as u my friend i am sick of being ill and cant breathe most of the time .cant go shopping just washing up gets 2 me .but i also have a lot of other stuff wrong with me i spend most of my time in bed as i am so tired at least i know their is other people like us so i dont say anything just suffer in silence so i hope u feel well as can be soon xx

ladyjoan profile image

hi all,yes im the same boat as u all and fed up with being ill and cant do much i try to pull my self together because as u say there are people worst off than me.......may i wish u all a happy christmas and new year x

Hi Gilly, You vent any time sweetie. We all need to let off steam and it does you good. I call mine ranting and raving....gets it out of your system.

Have a great Christmas anyway if you can. And to everyone here.

Bev xx.

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