Hi fellow breathless,
It's been 3-months since I asked the DWP to reconsider my Work Assessment Test [that I failed miserably this time] but yet no reply has been forthcoming. This is exactly how long it took the Atos/DWP to inform me that I was capable of picking up a cardboard box and able to get up two steps - though both not at the same time! I'm left wondering just how the Atos Doctor and the DWP are going to resolve this one? Perhaps they both need more time to invent a different set of answers to the first lot they presented; which were not only totally insulting to me, but also an outright lie. It appears that honesty within government depts. is a thing of the past - or is it just a Conservative trait?
Anyhow, after saying the above, here's some helpful advice about medication you might be taking:
Don't take Lacidipine and Paracetamol combined - it could lead to serious complications, like death.
Don't eat grapefruit with certain tablets as the two combined could also be fatal. [Look up on Google].
Ginger can help reduce the pain of arthritis.
Chilli [as in chilli sauce on a kebab] can help open up the arteries and lead to improved blood flow [good for Raynaud's Syndrome].
Bananas can in some patients, cause loose bowel movements [yes, soft poo!]
Finally, if like me you're not keen on eating fresh fruit, then Ascorbic Acid tablets [Vitamin C] can do wonders to improve health: I use Effervescent Vitamin C 1000mg dissolved in a glass containing 200ml of water per day. I've just beaten off a very nasty cold which went straight to the chest, therefore proof that Vitamin C really works!
Oh aye, don't forget to eat lots of lightly boiled cabbage as it tastes great!
Catch you next time you lovely people.