Too much at this time of year to think about getting anything done- feel pretty useless so I will come on here and vent.
Its that time of year when I start getting really ill again- but after missing my sons first ever nativity last year as I was intubated in ITU I am determined to make it this year, after managing nearly 4 months without a hospital visit now im dreading it all starting again, all the time I am stuck in hospital my self employed partner cant work and their is no money coming into the house as I am apparently not ill enough for dla but I am ill enough for a blue badge?
Enough about the past lets look to the future- I am hopefully moving to a new house with a lovely play park really close- downside because of the ages of my children (3yr old daughter and 5 yr old son) we are going to lose £600 a year on the bedroom tax- I need to move I live on the outskirts of a tiny village at the bottom of a nigh on mile long steep hill to get to anything. all the time my partner is work the kids are stuck with me inside- I need to be somewhere I can take them out and let them be kids. but their is no point in moving to another 2 bed as we will have to move again in the future- the rent on my 2 bed is £112 the rent on the new 3 bed is £93 we get full housing benefit but we will get charged £14 a week to move into a £9 a week cheaper property?!
The only bit of help we get is housing and council tax benefit and even that is because we have a fairly low income coming in now they are going to take that too I cant stay here I cant leave the house but can we really afford to go?
I wish I could work just like everyone else, I wish I could leave the house without my partner, I wish I could run round with my kids but I cant and I can scream and shout and no body listens I just run out of breath.
Apologies for a depressing rant at this time in the morning