my breathing is a lot worse now and i went for oxygen assessment yesterday my oxygen levels dropped after the nurse had me walking to 92 she said i had to be 90 before i could have oxygen even though my breathing is worse she said that once i go on oxygen my life expectancy will dropis this true
my oxygen: my breathing is a lot worse... - Lung Conditions C...
my oxygen

Nobody has ever said that to me, unicorn and I have been using 02 6 years. Have a chat to the BLF helpline on Monday for reassurance from the team there.
I am appalled that a nurse would tell you that and if that had been me I think I would have asked to be referred to a respiratory clinician for a second opinion.
Keep us posted
I have likewise been using oxygen for 6 years and was told it would EXTEND my life. Mulie is right - get a second opinion from someone who specialises in respiratory diseases.
Nobody's ever said that to me either. In fact I rather hoped that my life expectancy has gone up as my organs are now getting more of the oxygen they need, rather than the reduced amount my lungs could manage on their own!
On that subject though, my understanding is that oxygen itself doesn't actually cure breathlessness - I've been told it just supplies what's needed when your lungs can't cope. We still need all the other drugs to help control our breathing. I'm sure this is a simplistic view - phoning the BLF helpline is good advice. Someone there will have the answers you need.
Simplistic? Maybe, but spot on.
My respiratory nurse said supplementary oxygen increases life expectancy. It also says so online. Also, extra oxygen does not help to make you breath easier, I'm afraid to say.
My consultant definitely said it's a known fact that being on oxygen extends life/
Agree with everyone else about oxygen, I have been on it for couple of months after sats dropped to 77 at walk test, I have NOT been told that it will shorten life expectancy and I think that it was totally innapropriate to have that said to you. Please ring up the BLF to get the correct info.
I wasn't told that, either. In fact the increased availability of oxygen to your organs should mean they struggle less and thus hopefully last longer! I'd get a second opinion if I were you, too.
hi. i think the are moving the goal posts, my consultant took my sats and it was 93 he told me that i should try to keep it 96 or above so told me never to try to do without oxygen as it affects to other organs heart etc, i have been on oxygen over 10 years started with it as a stand by,then after chest infections went to 15hrs a day at 2lt/min, now on 24 hrs a day , and adjust my oxygen to my sats readings ie, sitting you dont need as much as if you are doing some kind of activity. to be quite honest with you i had heard that tale and know of people who only had a short spell of oxygen before they died , but my view is they weren't treated in time. i would have been dead long ago without it.used intelligently and not in excess it can prolong your active life and give you a better quality. beware of oxygen nurses that tell you otherwise they are trying to save money,their are people out there with oxygen that don't need it but get a second opinion, or they will let you struggle to breath and you will sit there like a cabbage ,my doctor is very pleased with how i have coped since i was diagnosed and given two years to live in 1984,still fighting for breath and still fighting the system at 76, all the best . brian, yes had it "C.O.P.D" 28 years and still learning about