Why cant we have a system to give our... - Lung Conditions C...

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Why cant we have a system to give our doctors and our surgeries star ratings

11 Replies
11 Replies
tanyamarie profile image

There is a survey done every year by the Local Health Authority in the surgeries in my area asking various questions about the service etc. Don't know if it's nationwide, I'm in South Wales.

The way I see it, you vote with your feet. As every patient has the right to choose which surgery they want to be with, regardless of area, if you are not happy with your surgery/GP's and you have given the Practice Manager the opportunity to rectify things, then move to a different surgery after 'interviewing' them.

It's your medical care so why settle for something you are not happy with?

I have a brilliant surgery and GP's but know many people who dislike theirs through my place of work and the ones who have taken my advice and switched surgeries have said they wished they done it sooner.

in reply to tanyamarie

so how many patients will they accept

tanyamarie profile image
tanyamarie in reply to

Not sure but this newrule came into effect a while ago now.

I have a very caring surgery in every sense. I went there this am on my buggy. Whilst I was inside, the wind whipped the cover off my buggy, retrieved and given to the receptionist who promptly went outside, dried the buggy and replaced the cover. I cant say enough for them.

in reply to

maybe with a star system all surgeries and doctors will come up to standard

scotts35 profile image

Find your local surgery and leave feedback on their site or read what other patients have said :


put in place name or postcode that takes to list of local surgeries :-)

I have looked at your suggestion so I have to give my email adress which they already have on my medical records then I can fill out survey like how easy to make appointment and ease of car parking and other suchlike questions . 1 complaint out of I dont know how many patients so they must be very good doctors complaint was (a rushed assessment so often expierienced) 22 AUG 2012 . I am sure I will get 1st class treatment if I repeated my dissatisfaction they would be falling over each other to give me a needle. The thing i did find out though they are the only practice near me accepting new patients

well said alba I am plesed you understood my meaning

halsa profile image

Dear Ponteyorky,

GP Doctor Practices over the whole of the year are inspected and scored over a large number of outcomes it is called "The Quality and Outcomes Framework Inspection" you may have noticed that your GP will ask you a number of questions ie are you still stopped smoking, will insist on taking your blood pressure etc. the results answers etc are entered on the computer and tallied up each year as statistics for the practice no individual patients are identified. Even the length of appointments is measured. An inspection team used to be a GP an Officer from the PCT and a Lay Person an inspection at a practice lasted about a year this may have changed I do not know, but for several years I was such a Lay Person in a different area to where I now live.

You may well be able top find the scores for your GP practice at qof.ic.nhs.uk/ although it may well not mean a lot to you! If I can help at all in explaining further please do let me know.


in reply to halsa

Dear Halsa thank you for the information I do remember 4 years ago at previous doctors that forms were sent out asking questions .So that is why at that time when I would see the the doctor there was the same procedure as you say a hurried blow into the tube blood pressure and do you smoke then why have you come to see me .I reply because I have got COPD he asks how do you know you have COPD I reply because I had a spirometry test last week he says where I say here by the practice nurse .He then decides to look at his computer tells me there is no cure which the practice nurse had already told me end of visit .It has taken me longer to write this than the visit lasted but he had filled all criteria that you required to assess practice.All the best Dave

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I would like to just add to above by saying that some doctors like any other profession are lazy crass out to get as money as possible for as little input as possible and expect patients to be grateful that they condescend to see lower riff raff the last good doctor I respect was in 1986 he retired that year in disgust at the way nhs was going

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