I have finally been diagnosed with copd and emphysima the main concern is my age but mine is the pain I'm having in my lung area
Finally diagnosed: I have finally been... - Lung Conditions C...
Finally diagnosed

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find out the reason for the pain from the same people not very usual to get pain just from copd
Hi Madmarc
i was fairly young when i was diagnosed in 2008, at the age of 38, i also had pain on my left side just under my rib cage, they did an ecg, which was fine and as yet no explanation of the pain that comes and goes dont know if yours is like that or there all the time, if i were you id mention it to gp/copd nurses to try and get some answers xx
My husband sometimes gets pain - but I think you should ask the Doctors and Nurses and ask them for advise. It may be one of those things that is part of your COPD but there again they maybe able to ease the pain for you. TAD xx
The only time I get any sort of pain, however slight, is when I'm using more chest muscle than usual.
Emphysema is under the umbrella of COPD as is chronic bronchitis, some people have a combination of both bronchitis and emphysema, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is a term used for emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Ask you consultant next time you see them to explain this, or better still to save time check BLF website of phone the helpline for an explanation on this.**
If your pain is constant (with you day and night) I would ask for further explanation and investigation. If you are getting pain intermittently it could be a number of things, if it is a lung infection causing the pain you need to get that cleared up asap, see doc to communicate the pain and difficulties you are experiencing as a result.
I get pain in the lungs in cold weather, negotiating slopes on a bad breathing day or on exertion on a poor air quality day.
** blf.org.uk/Conditions/Detai...
Also ask your doc / consultant if you have been tested for alpha-1 antitrypsin, (the hereditary form of emphysema) considering your young age.
All good wishes
I too get pain at times, either at the front or in my back. I was sent for an xray which was fine. Then I learned from the BLF that this is a common sympton for some people with COPD. My chiropractor new all about it and gave me exercises to stop it and they have worked.
The pain is caused by the tissues and muscles around the rib area tightening up they told me. It is still worth having it checked out though.
Lynne xx
is it normal to get pain in ribs
i too get pain - on right side, across my back, under my armpit and round to the front.
sometimes its literally just a pain others its like a a severe cramp, drives me mad - it has never been explained to me but i was given painkillers for it.
Thank u every body I feel silly but this scartes me I can't even get up stairs and its just the start of it
Stairs are scary. You are not being silly, we all have scary times and from a distance it's hard to offer comfort but you can say anything and everything you like to BLF helpline or on here. Stairs was my greatest fear, I am now in a ground floor flat so that's one problem gone. Is it possible to move? Look around at what you have and what you need, make a plan for your future because you do have one. My future right now involves a bacon sandwich! I will leave you now, be kind to yourself.
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