Hi All,
Thanks for your comments and advice. I've changed my medication around and now take my Symbicort before I get out of bed, wait as long as I can, then get out and head for the loo. Then about an hour later I take my Spiriva.
I have been taking Spiriva every evening at 11pm for nearly 18 months,(no body told me any different) but haveing spoken to BLF i find I should be taking it in the morning.
...So far So good.
Only been a member here for 2 days, and I've learnt more about COPD here than the doctors have told me in 6 years. An example, I have an appointment with the COPD clinic at my local sugery on Monday, untill I got that appointment I didn't know they had a COPD clinic. I'll be going with a big list of questions.
Thanks again to everyone for your valued help and support.