Hi I am new to this forum.Ihave COPD ... - Lung Conditions C...
Hi I am new to this forum.Ihave COPD and have lost a lot of wieght.Have you lost wieght since having COPD?

Ive become a right chunky monkey around my chin ( or should that be chins!!!) waist, chest ( sadly my boobs don't look like Jordans ) and feet - my wrists/arms are still really skinny so i look a bit mismatched - dr said its the steroids that's made me look like Bella Emberg (remember her!!!)
I have become a bit of a chunky monkey same as Krazylady after being a skinny minnie up till 18 months ago. I think every one is different.
I have always been on the heavy side but have put on tons of weight with giving up smoking and al the meds, trying my best to loose a load of weight while I am recovering From an operation.
I think most COPDers lose weight initially but tend to gain a lot through steroid use. I remember going from a 10 to a size 6!! I will not quote the humungous number I am up to now.
If you put "pink puffers and blue bloaters" into google it will bring back a lot of things that make you think about what is happening with weight changes and size.
I just put on weight all the time and cant lose it. God knows what would happen if I every had to take steriods all the time!
I've been told by a respiratory nurse (and read on websites), that it takes about ten times the calories for those of us with emphysema to be able to breathe. jean
I don't have COPD (or do I?) but pre-diagnosis I lost a lot of weight. I had no appetite. When I first saw a doctor he put me on steroids for my initial chest infection and my appetite returned. With diagnosis I was put on a permanently high dose and I put a lot of weight on. On a diet now and have lost 1stone another 2 to go!!
Hopefully with treatment the weight will go back on.
Marie x
I to have lost quite a bit of weight Irene, i have got a good appetite, unless breathing is really bad, and am on steroids quite a lot, i think as someone else said we are all different, So like you i dont know what is going on.Lynne x
Hi Irene. I'd been between 7 1/2 and 8st since having ov cancer in '96/7 . I was diagnosed with COPD in the early 2000's and my weight remained fairly stable until 5 years ago when it just fell away till I was 6st. Tried all sorts of things to put it back on as the consultant said a good weight for me would be around 9st to help with fighting infections but nothing seemed to work - was even seeing a nutritionist!
Then I stopped smoking.
Well, the long and the sort of it is it's just as well I did 'cos the money I saved went towards buying new clothes! Nearly 4 years on, I seem to have stabilised at 10st. (Yay, I have boobs again!) I'm not eating any differently - in fact I eat less choc now than I did before so it must just be the smoking that was the cause of the weight-loss (amongst other things, *droll laughter*!!).
Jude x
Thanks to everyone who answered my question.I am going to the gym tomorrow to try and build some of the muscle waste on my arms and legs!