After being turned down twice for DLA even thought I have moderate/severe COPD & have been off work more than there since February, I didn't give up !! I had an ATOS doctor visit me at home, who was very amicable, but had no details of all the documents etc I had sent in, not even my application form, only a form saying I had COPD!! He was at my home for approx an hour & half, asking questions I had filled in on my applications! He was very thorough, asked the same question several times,but spaced out later whilst talking to me,probably to assertain if I was telling the truth but ever so nice, even to the point of saying in his opinion I qualified without a doubt,but stressed he didn't make the decision,just sent his report in. As it happened it was a really bad day for me, which probably helped a lot him seeing me on one of my worse days. As we all know we are up one day, can't do anything at all another. WOW, yesterday morning 2 weeks after he had sen me the dreaded brown envolope arrived. Didin't want to open it as another rejection expected. HEY, got higher rate mobility & low rate carers allowances!! Plus backdated to my 1st application, can't believe it! So relieved as I am returning to work next week on a phased return but still very unsure if I will ever be able to manage again full time, as I work in a school & it's a very demanding job. Proves everyone, just persevere, maybe I was just one of lucky ones but what a weight off my mind if I have to drop my hours when I go back to work. Carol at BLF was tremendously helpful throughout all my worying times & without her advice re ATOS & what they would ask, look for etc, I doubt if I would have been successful & rejected again. Keep trying everyone, we all deserve what we are entitled to. Good luck to anyone else in the same situation as I have been for months. Not sleeping or eating due to worrying about what could lie ahead. There is hope, just keep fighting the stupid system!! Got on PR course too,been for 6 sesions & feel the benefit already.
What a surprise - ATOS came up trumps... - Lung Conditions C...
What a surprise - ATOS came up trumps for me!!

Great news pleased PR is helping you Val
Simply brilliant so happy for you
Thanks guys, what a relief!!! xxxx
its lovely to hear good news about claiming benefits for a change perhaps somewhere someone is actually starting to listen -- maybe ?
So pleased to hear some good news reguarding claiming benefits - so pleased for you and happy PR is helpingxx
Great news! this should put your mind at rest if you reduce your hours at work, hope you get some deliscious tasty food in to get your appetite back! take
Great news. We all ave to reapply next year when DLA ceases and it turns into PIP, that'll more stress for us all....until then enjoy your DLA you deserve it.
Great news well done when I had to renew my DLA I had sent in all the reports from hospital consultants the reports even had my chemo treatment plan in the letter and stating that I now have stage 3 lung disease and also info stating that unfortunately they can not cure my disease but can do treatment management plan,and to my shock horror when I got there decision saying they are stopping my DLA all together .like yourself I am going to appeal the person decision which I went ahead and did and 3 weeks later that dreaded letter came I was so nervous to open it as I just couldn't deal with the extra stress but thank god the person who delt with my apeal had overturned the first decision maker and a bigger shock was that that have made it indefinite .so now I can concentrate on my health and not on the DWP . Well done.
Well done on good result Marytaz
My husband got awarded lower rate care and lower rate mobility 2 years after his ATOS medical. Has got severe copd.