just had a visit from a respiratory nurse, saw her once before and wasn't right keen, still not sure about her, loved the other one, she was great. on the visit she saw how his sats dropped dramatically with any movement, ie. just getting out of chair, whilst on oxygen.so upped his ambulatory oxygen to 3l, fair enough. Then she said whilst he was sat doing nothing he could do without the oxygen, yet he would have to put it on to get out of chair, this doesnt make sense to me, surely its easier for him to just leave it on, maybe am wrong, you all have more experience than me. The practice nurse said that they get better results from patients when they keep the oxygen on all the time, the other resp nurse said he must keep it on 16 hours, but longer if he felt the need.She also said he should use a spacer to take his sprays, I know nowt about that, does it have a better result. ?
When hes out and about with his ambulatory back pack he still has blue lips and nails. I know it makes no difference to the sob but I would have thought it made a difference to the blueness. right that's me spleen vented.