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I was recently admitted to hospital with what was thought to be a 'standard' COPD exacerbation.

lindajane01 profile image
10 Replies

I was recently admitted to hospital with what was thought to be a 'standard' COPD exacerbation. The hospital prescribed antibiotics and prednisilone as usual, and sent me home after a week but I became weaker by the day. When a week later I collapsed, the nurses who were regularly attending me via my GP had me readmitted to hospital. Nobody had checked the results –pseudomonas- of the original sputum test I’d had in hospital and I’d been sent home with the wrong antibiotics. Back in hospital for two weeks I remained very poorly and had various antibiotics via IV until the correct drugs were found. Treatment continued at home, via District Nurses, following my second discharge from hospital. CAT scan showed I now had Bronchiectasis. I lost weight, to 5 stone 8 lbs on final discharge. After being home for around 3-4 weeks now, a sputum test shows I am currently infection-free; but still weak, and monitored by nurses at home, and have just completed another 5-day course of prednisilone for breathlessness. My legs have lost much muscle and am having trouble walking normally. Am due to start Pulmonary Rehab in July, and still waiting for a Physio appointment. I was relatively fit and always active before, despite COPD which was well managed. Now I am a wreck by comparison: I can no longer travel, and have given up most of my activities because I am so breathless and weak (and sad!) for much of the time. I am trying to adjust to this life-change, as have always been a pro-active person, both physically and mentally. Finally, on what was to be my last night in hospital, I was woken up at 11.30pm by a woman who said she was the 'beds manager', and asked to leave my bed. She said it was needed for another patient, and that if I agreed, she would give me a bed in a gynae ward for the rest of the night, as I was to be discharged the following day. I refused, but she returned and asked again, and I refused again. I explained I was weak and unwell myself, and still receiving IV injections which were due the following morning before my discharge, and was to be discharged for ongoing injections via District Nurses on my return home. And that I felt it wrong to be asked to leave my bed - it was the middle of the night by then. I would appreciate any useful answers to these questions: (1) Should I complain about being sent home with pseudomonas on the wrong drugs, If so, how is this done and is it worth the trouble? Or is it better for one's health to just accept it, as complaining will cause more stress and anxiety? And (2) Should I complain about being asked to leave my bed - in the event I stayed an extra night, as the pharmacy hadn't got my drugs ready to take home on the day I was actually due to be discharged, so it was just as well I had refused to leave. I feel I was badly treated and have no idea how to deal with this, as well as trying to recover at the same time. I am still shocked that my life has changed so quickly. How does one get to grips with such massive life changes? I feel enormous loss about giving up so many of my everyday activities – such as walking my small dog and my social activities. Despite all this, I am trying to remain as cheerful and active as I can within the parameters that remain. I am not a confrontational person, so although I would like some explanations and apologies from the hospital, I am afraid I might make myself more ill by having all the stress and worry of taking my complaints forward. I really would appreciate some sound and rational independent advice. Thanks in advance to anyone who can provide this.

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lindajane01 profile image
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10 Replies
amagran profile image

So sorry to read your terrible story, You are in catch 22 position, I'm sure the stress of complaining (the medical society stick together), wil not do your condition any good, as will stressing about the treatment you received. Maybe if you sent a letter, such as you have written here, to the hospital,and copy to your gp, it might essen the stress.again, sorry, and hope you begin to pick up soon.

valm profile image

You have been through the mill, it is terrible that you were woken for your bed it makes you think what next!

It takes time to get over a bad infection plenty rest, build up your strength again, voice your concerns to your consultant. Val

rattles profile image

Sorry to read of your frightful hospital experience and ongoing health problems, i do wish you the very best of luck.

With regard to complaining i would recommend you speak to a PALS representative at the hospital they are there for exactly the problems you have experienced and do take complaints seriously.

I once needed to speak to PALS and found the team extremely efficient, compassionate and understanding and my problem was dealt with immediately, with ongoing updates and feedback. I hope should you decide to broach the matter with your hospital branch you have a favourable experience with them too.

kate13 profile image

sorry to hear you haven't been treated with the respect and dignity you really deserve. Its bad enough feeling unwell without this sort of treatment.

After all this is what the medical profession is paid for isn't it? I work for the NHS and i would definitely suggest PALS or go through to your Local PCT and ask for the Complaints Dept. It seems you are unhappy about the treatment you received and rightly so. At least you can withdraw your complaint at any time should you wish to do so.Its not always negative to complain, it could be seen as positive perhaps the staff may learn a valuable lesson.

to treat patients with the respect we all " in theory" are entitled to.

richardcrossroads profile image

you may not be as far on as you think i have been in your health situation twice with similar treatment for GP and the hospital, pals is the way to go as they will do it all for you if you want to complain and i think you should, for everyones sake.

your health if you are possertive and do a bit more every day most if not all your health will come back and your strength, but you do have to push yourself, if your condition allows but it seems to take for ever, possertive is the word, best of luck i realy do sypathise,

tanyamarie profile image

Firstly, well done for blogging on here. Doing that you would have vented alot of your frustrations and hopefully felt a bit better after. My father has received poor treatment lately and I had a meeting with his GP to discuss matters and have my questions answered. I gave a list of my questions to the Practice Manager while arranging it so the GP could be prepared and find out the answers if possible.

They, in return advised me to write a letter of complaint to the LHB of which I havn't done yet as I am s busy with other matters right now. I said I didn't want to it to be too formal so I have decided I would address my letter as an informal complaint where I believe lessons can and should be learned. I will do this soon.

How you were treated was unacceptable and inexcusable. However, you cannot change what happened and I think it is important to put it into perspective so you don't get bogged down with negative feelings and progress onto a downward spiral. If you don't complain, you will always question yourself and wish you had done it, so a little letter would do the trick I reckon. I have nevre heard of PALS but it sounds a great way to go.

Once done, you will inevitably receive a letter of apology ( I cannot think of a reason why you wouldn't) and they should state how they will improve things. This then will give you clarity and closure which you need to concentrate on getting well. My father is coming to the end of his Rehab course and he has found it immensely beneficial and inspirational. It will do wonders for your physical and mental being and in the meantime, surround yourself with as much positivity as possible and keep your chin up or get someone to hold it up for you!!!!

Take care and I hope to read soon that you are on the road to recovery, well and truly xxxx

Once I complained to PALS as well as threatened the hospital with a 'question in the House (of Commons)'...the latter creating a great fuss and much better treatment for my brother !!! :) When my Mum died, I found out about a team (that presumably will be in each hosital) that investigates unexplained deaths - and produce recommendations to improve things for other patients in the future (eg bigger red notices, staff handover at bedside etc) ...perhaps they would be interested in your case ?

lindajane01 profile image

Thank you so much to all who have responded - I am overwhelmed at the number of folk who have answered so quickly, and really appreciate it. I had never heard of PALS and am now researching a way to contact my local branch, to let them know of what has happened to me. I will keep in touch here and report back when I have some feedback. And would like to say big thanks once more to all who have responded and for all the support and advice you have posted. I am certainly feeling a lot more confident now.

Maximonkey profile image

Hi I had similar problems during my stay in hospital in Jan 2012, I complained via the PALS proceedure. I wrote a diary of my stay (it was only 5 days so it was not too long) listing everything that had happened, typed a covering letter and sent it off. Like you I did not know what would happen and was worried about my future admissions. I was pleasantly surprised to received a phone call from PALS who said they thought my complaint should if made official. I agreed. In March I was admitted and to my surprise the ward had been changed beyond recongnition, staff had changed, proceedures and even drug distribution had changed, all for the better. I was glad I had complained. I subsequently heard from the Matron of the Lung ward and we met and discussed my stay. She was very supportive and asked whether I had noticed the difference during my stay in March, I agreed I had. I received a letter of apolgy and details of how the whole system of inpatients from A&E to ward stay was to be revamped. I have also been asked to sit as a patient advisor on the panel in charge of implementing change in the hospital. All in all, a result. I must admit that at times I wondered if I would have the strength to do any of this as I was feeling pretty ropy at the time. But I managed it and I am glad. So go for it. You have nothing to lose and your hospital will thank you for it. Do not forget that healthcare proffessionals sometimes do not know what it is like to be a patient. Maximonkey

lindajane01 profile image

Thanks stitch & maximonkey. I forwarded my complaint to PALS at my local hospital. They have sent me an auto-generated message saying they had forwarded my complaint to appropriate persons(s) and that it would be formally investigated. Now I will wait for some action.. . I would never have put the complaint in had it not been for all you guys on this site. Thanks again. Will def keep posting as and when anything progresses.

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