This time however, I have had such a lot of support from the nhs team in this area. Apparently, if you live alone and getting on in years,you get rapid response service for up to 14 days when discharged from hospital. This is new to me and I have previously paid full for carers from an agency to come a couple of days a week to do the jobs I can,t such as vacuuming and changing the bed. If only I had known about this 2 years ago , I could have saved the money. Anyhow, they are going to put in place for me a care plan and see to fixing things like grab rails in the bathroom and by my front door. Sorry to ramble on but I'm feeling good that I'm feeling care for.
Hello, I have been missing for a few ... - Lung Conditions C...
Hello, I have been missing for a few monthsbut decided to come back for a spell after being hospitalized with another exacerbation,

Morning teabag333 welcome back, I have only been on site a week lol, anyhow pleased to know you been treated well nhs ect, I also have a care plan in place, and it has enhanced my life soooo much, they will do anything you need even personal care help you shower ect, once they have been to me only 45 mins in the morning by 9am, I am ready to face the world and even go out if weathers not cold or windy, and you are not rambling on,if it makes you feel good then keep on doing it, you may well be giving info to others on this site who are unaware of help they can get,......... its amazing the things we are not aware of so you keep plugging away its a very exiting time for you to start getting on with your life again, (I know that feeling) I also live alone. bless yur from Joan
Hello Teabag, it's so lovely to see you and welcome back.
Sorry to hear you've been poorly and in hospital but very glad you're being cared for. It sounds lovely - perhaps you can now put a few bob aside to treat yourself from time to time.
What area are you? I'm sure this is a good initiative by the NHS. Looking after people like this will save them money in the long term. I always think that quality of life is very very important.
All the very best to you xx peeg
Thank you peeg. Yes, I can't fault the NHS in this area. I live in Lancaster in the North West and it comes under Blackpool Teaching hospitals foundation trust.
Marina x
Hello Teabag, So sorry to hear that you have been so ill BUT so pleased to hear the care package that has been put in place for you. Great news. With lots of love and best wishes TAD xx
Sorry you have been ill teabag but glad you are being treated to good. M
Sounds like you are on the mend and so lucky to have all that care, not sure they do it in my area will have to find out it would take a lot of the worry out of being unable to do things, will have to look around.
polly xx
Welcome back teabag
So glad you have some good care working for you now, its a pity it took a stay in hospital to get it but I am so pleased you are feeling better and cared for.
best wishes BC

Thank you BC. I@M sure things can only get better now.
Hi teabag, welcome back sorry to hear you have been quite ill, but good to hear you have been cared for and are on the mend. With reference the rapid response the NHS has had this service for quite a while however it used to be for a longer time after discharge but has recently been reduced due to cutbacks. It is supposed to be a national service so should be available in all areas, it is now run in conjunction with other health service providers and is aimed at getting you settled back at home as quickly as possible to prevent bed blocking in your local hospital.Take care and keep well
It is so good to hear you are getting support so often one hears the opposite. I trust you are feeling a well as you can and have a good day.
Welcome back Teabag. Hope that you are feeling better.
Take care
Berwick xx

Thank you Berwick
Hello Marina, it was lovely to read your letter and to know that you have been cared for since your recent hospital admission. I also live alone and know only too well the vunerability we can feel when the chips are down.
On my discharge the hospital sent out the ICT (Intermediate ?Care Team for 10 days and they are made up of nurses, physios, and O.T's and I think that's something similar to what you may have had.
A couple of months ago after a spinal fracture followed by a severe chest infection I rang the surgery (one of my better ideas, lol ) and asked to speak to a distrist nurse. Informed her of my situation, ie copd and the current circumstances and have had loads of support in the shape of home visits, arranging a shower seat to be brought out and referring me to a co-ordinater for Age UK who has been a massive support in a number of ways.
The district nurse paid her last visit to me on Friday but has put me on their Pro Active Care list which means that they can do a home visit at future times during any concerns or when I have a chest infection, etc.
Wonder if your surgery could offer something similar, if you're not already receiving this service, which would hopefully be available at any time and not just after hospital discharge
Hope that you'll be keeping as well as possible, Regards ~ Lovelight x

Thank you lovelight. All that is useful for me and I will try to get something in place for next time.
Great to hear from you again tea bag! Sorry that you haven't been so well,but realy pleased for you,that you have the help you need,better late than never!
Take care,Wendells xx

Thank you Wendells. Hope all is well with you.
Hello again teabag, for got to say this morrning I had adult social sevices they arranged a 6 week assesment care in my home they are called HART Team where I come from and they also do financial assesment aswell. Joan x
Welcome back teabag, what exactly is an exacerbation ?
Thank you rick1, it is a flare up of copd when breathing is extremely difficult and mobility almost zero. That is how mine manifests itself but that was the official language of the reports from hospital to my gp. Sometimes a chest infection can cause it.
Nice to hear from you again teabag.
Your daily humour tonic
Hi tea name is sue , I joined site a few weeks ago ...I do hope you r feeling better , when I read yr post it made me realise how fortunate I am t have a husband at home must b very difficult on yr own ,thank goodness you r receiving some support .may u continue t keep well :)sue
hello i live in Bournemouth and if you are admitted to the Royal Bournemouth Hospital we have something called the hospital leaving service. this is funded by the councils but run by a local charity. they visit you on the ward and help put everything in place for when you get home. they give you advice and help you get care if you need it or refer you to social work teams for an assessment. all this is done before you go home so it takes the worry out of returning home