My Mom was 72 and in the Hospital for 4 days with pneumonia and was then released to go home. She had COPD and Diabetes. She unfortunately passed away within a day of being home from the hospital, I am just crushed by this...
My Mom was 72 with COPD and diabetes ... - Lung Conditions C...
My Mom was 72 with COPD and diabetes and was in the hospital for 4 days with pneumonia...

I should also add that she had an Xray and CT scan while in the hospital and they told her based on the shape and size of the pneumonia mass that they believed there was a mass/neoplasm of some sort, can they tell that by looking at a CT scan? thanks
So sorry to hear about your mum. It must have been a terrible shock. My dad died very suddenly and I felt he was too young as well. As others have said, think about the good times. My father would have been furious with me if I had upset his grandchildren and my mother. He loved us all so much.
Sometimes we look for someone to blame, I think it is a part of the grieving process. I suspect the hospital knew your Mom's situation and, in the circumstances, decided that allowing her to be with friends and family was perhaps the best option.
Try to focus on the good memories, fond moments and special treasures - anger and blame often dull them otherwise (in my experience).
So sorry for your loss and hope you find some comfort from the memories
thank you for the reply, I am def trying to concentrate on all of the happy years I had with my Mom and so many good memories! But I also just have this feeling that creeps into my head a couple times daily that she was just too young to die, might not make sense but that's just how I feel! I never understand how dangerous pneumonia can be, when I checked her into the ER prior to her being diagnosed with pneumonia it just felt like she was going to be there for a day or so with a bad cold. I'm not trying to blame the hospital, more just trying to understand what happened to my Mom was I can turn the page on the medical side of this and get on with the healing process of grief. thanks again for the reply.
Two years ago I presented at A&E to be told by the consultant "why have you left it so long? When people are as bad as you we can't always get them back" I was 63 with moderate COPD & a quite bad chest infection.
Our amazing NHS are so good that we forget just how serious exacerbation & pneumonia really are.
She's in a good place and pain free ...
Take care
Thinking of you and your family in such terribly sad times. Should you feel the need to speak about certain things, the help line here on BLF has professional medical staff who could talk to you and offer advice.
Take care.
I am so sorry for your very sad loss. The only words of consolation that I can give are that at least she passed away peacefully in her own home and not in some anonymous ward in a hospital.
It is 8 years ago this week since I lost my own mum and I have to agree with the person who told me, after the death of his own mother, that life is never quite the same again.
Take care x
So sorry for your loss, I've lost a parent I know it's shocking. Take your time with it xx
I'm so terribly sorry LC73 . Please give yourself time to grieve and heal. Be extra kind to yourself. *Gentle hug*
Cas xx 🌹
LC73, you have my sympathy. Always, carry your mother in your heart, I understand that, as I carry my mother there.
Again, my sympathies and understanding,
I am so sorry for your loss. My Dad died at 51 after a short fight with cancer. I raged at the world, seeing people in their 70's and crying Why? Life will never be the same again. Now 37 years on I still miss him but I have to live and remember the happy memories and believe that one day he will be there waiting for me when my time comes. You need to grieve and it hurts so much I know. Sending you good wishes for the future. Xx
Oh what a big shock to you, LC73. You are in my thoughts and prayers at this sad time.
I'm so sorry to about the loss of your mum, it's very hard when you lose your parents.
My deepest sympathy goes out to you and you family.
Peg xxx
So sorry to hear your sad news lc73, its hard losing your Mum and I agree 72 is young but as the people here say concentrate on the good times. As my Mum used to say, keep your chin up girl. X
So sorry to hear of your mums' passing sometimes it is hard to find reasons for things but it was your dear mums' time to pass over & she did it home with family in peace, hospitals can only do so much have too few beds they do the best they can most of the time.
I am so sorry LC73. I don't know what to say.
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. We tend to think our parents are immortal so it's a dreadful shock when we lose one. Be thankful that your mum didn't suffer a long painful death and know that she's always with you. Take care, Sheila xx
I'm so very sorry.
So sorry for your loss.
I feel for you over your very sudden sad loss.
So sorry xx
Hello LC73, so sorry for your loss. We are here for you if you need support at anytime. God Bless you and your family. 🌹🙏
My condolences to you and your family 🥀
So sorry to hear you lost your mum. It is true when you lose your mother you lose your best friend. I have suffered from pneumonia from the day I was born as I caught the golden staph. It is terribly painful and just takes so much of your strength. She is at peace now and pain free. God bless xx
So sorry for your loss💖