Personal Indepenence Payment (PIP) Co... - Lung Conditions C...

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Personal Indepenence Payment (PIP) Consultation.

Jo_BLFHelpline profile image
Jo_BLFHelplineBritish Lung Foundation
7 Replies

Hi Everyone

Not sure if you all know but the BLF took part in the consultation for the PIP that is set to replace DLA for new claimants from April 2013.

You can read the finished document below.

From 2013/14, a new benefit called Personal Independence Payment (PIP) will replace Disability Living Allowance (DLA). As part of this transition, the Government is changing the assessment process for deciding on those who are eligible to receive it. The questions asked in the new assessment will determine each applicant’s ability to perform a dozen or so different everyday activities.

Earlier this month, the BLF responded to the Government’s consultation on the assessment criteria to make sure that those with lung conditions are properly accounted for.

Here are three of the main points included in our response:

1. The Government’s draft assessment included a series of one-off activities, such as preparing meals, eating and bathing. But they did not include other activities which severe breathlessness can make difficult (drying after bathing, washing up after cooking, performing basic housework) or any recognition that although individual tasks may be manageable, it is not always possible to perform them one after another without rest as everyday living demands. We suggested instead that they assess overall ability to maintain a safe and healthy home environment, including condition-specific factors such as high levels of dust for asthma and COPD.

2. The mobility section of the assessment was weighted towards the ability to walk set distances without the use of specific aids, such as a wheelchair. We made clear that the criteria must take account of experience of breathlessness and fatigue while walking, and not just of the distance people are able to walk. We suggested including ‘without stopping for a rest’ on the same footing as without using a mobility aid.

3. The assessment process suggested by the Government did not take account of those who experienced severe symptoms, but experienced them less than 50% of the time – for example through acute periods of sarcoidosis or exacerbations of COPD. We urged them to give fuller consideration to this issue.

The consultation is now closed, and we are waiting for the Government’s response. If you have any concerns about the nature of the changes, you should contact your MP. If you have any questions or concerns about claiming DLA, you can call the benefits advisors at the BLF helpline on 03000 030 555.

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Jo_BLFHelpline profile image
British Lung Foundation
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7 Replies

Thanks for that Jo , but isn't it funny that they consider bathing, but not drying? Makes you wonder who thinks these things up! Well, I'm off for a cool shower and a drip dry :) P.

i agree Gordon, some days i feel great but cant walk far without losing my breath.

Most day-day activities cause me to get breathless easily. simple tasks like getting in and out of the shower, drying myself, getting dressed, shopping ( i havn't been out since January because i "do not fit the criteria" for a blue badge and cant walk far) i am fortunate that my company has rearranged things to enable me to continue working but on my 2 days off i spend the first doing my housework, it takes me all day! and the second i spend resting because i am exhausted from the previous days activities.

I was once asked to explain what emphysema feels like - all i could think of is imagine a tight elastic band around your chest and a 20 stone person sitting on your chest at the same time, that's what its like - maybe we should get the decision makers to try functioning for a day and see ow well they cope!!!!

I wouldn't hold your breath, but at least they haven't quite given up on us yet :)

"Since the system was introduced in 2008, people with terminal cancer have been found fit to work

breathless profile image

Gordon Hi. You say that mentioning your worse day is painting your daily life with your condition blacker that it need be. The thing is my friend We do live with more bad days than good ones. After I had completed my Pulmonary Rehab I was able to walk 6o + metres on the assessment. Yes I felt in a way similar to you and explained to my Physio and Respiratory nurse that I now felt like a cheat because I had applied for DLA. So I need to withdraw my Application. "Geof don't you do that, Everything is perfectly set up in here. The Temperature is spot on, its on the level where you was walking and there was no stressed placed on you" It was in February so I thought go on Geof give it a go. No Gordon it wasn't very far when Stress, Anxiety Panic attacks appeared. I had to stop where I was till my wife got to me and yes I felt a little safer.

After walking 60+ metres in perfect conditions and now struggled with just half that distance yes in everday conditions. Would you say that I was painting my lifestyle blacker than it really was? As for your two buses You have proved that it will cause you real stress so much so you will need to recouperate on the bus. I now wonder like I large % of us what would then happen if you was to have a panic attack. Yes rushed into hospital Sirens blasting Lights flashing and maybe a weeks stay in hospital. Please just think of the cost of that to our caring Government. I am so sorry Gordon but this is the real world whilst living with Lung diseases. No one is painting it Blacker than it actually is. Bless you.

Jo_BLFHelpline profile image
Jo_BLFHelplineBritish Lung Foundation

Hi Gordon57

I hope you are well.

The advice for completing forms in the past was always to fill it in as though it was your worst day, now we would suggest completing the form from an average day perspective as this can give a better overview of living with a lung condiiton.



Catel profile image

12 years on disability, basically 1 lung,after Tuberculosis,Double pneumonia, broken ribs, chronic pain, pleurisy, morphine 24/7, antidepressants x 2 . DLA, Mobility, I have mobility car.Dont see GP unless to increase pain meds, wont get better ever, now panicking, slipping back into depression, become a recluse again cos of these pip rules and the inadequacy of atos or any government to have a slightly sensible operation. Rely on non medical money savers for life support, now severely worried

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