Hello all,
Seen by my amazing new consultant today. She confirmed that I defo meet the criteria for ABPA on top of my twitchy asthma. She has referred me upwards to be fully assessed for biologics. In the meantime I have yet another fourteen days of the trusty Pred๐ฌ. I might also be tried on oral itraconazole if the referral is taking a while to come through. More blood tests to see what the current Ige level is.
So the battle continues between me and my annoying, mucous factory lungs.
I must learn to accept each day as it comes. It is what it is, and although exceedingly frustrating and often debilitating, I feel like progress is being made in finding a way of managing it more effectively.
Having lived with my asthma for nearly 50 yrs, this later bit of the journey started in 2019 with the fight to find out why it was getting SO out of control. It has taken me pestering the life out of medical secretaries and, in desperation, a house move of 250 miles to get the answers. Never give up folks, keep asking questions, keep prodding and 'be a pest' if needed !!