I was prescribed Nitrofurantoin for a uti. After 3 days, I thought I was going to die. I had even more trouble breathing, I could hardly move without gasping for air. I also had a banging headache and felt nauseous. I stopped taking the pills 2 days ago the head ache and nausea have gone. Will my breathing ever get better again? I wish I had read the enclosed leaflet which said not to take if you had a lung problem. I trusted my doctor. I have had copd for a number of years. My Oxygen level has dropped to 90 from 94.
wrong medication: I was prescribed... - Lung Conditions C...
wrong medication

Your doctor needs looking at seriously 😒 I would definitely complain and ask to see another doctor to assess you and give you the medication to help you with your original problem and to take a look at your breathing. Good luck chook 😉
Hope your Dr realises he's the one that's meant to check what you can & can't have they treat us like numbers not like we're people hope your better soon
We tend to rely on the doctor to check the medication is safe for us but I always read the leaflet when given anything new. A couple of times I have queried it with the pharmacist and had a prescription changed. I never assume someone else will make thorough checks and it doesn't take long for me to read the leaflet for peace of mind.
yup same here . Never take an antibiotic without first making sure you have an infection. They give them to you before checking. And always research any poison a doctor wants to give you.
Hi I have hsdxa note on my meds record to say no NITROFURANTIN as it gives me side effects and says I am allergic to it same issues as you
Hello Pom - Yep, I had that horrible reaction too. At first I thought the banging head and nausea was the effects of the UTI until I realised it was the Nitrofurantoin. Luckily I spoke to the dispensary at the surgery who arranged for the GP to prescribe a different antibiotic. However, when I had a recurrence of the UTI a couple of years later, I was precribed it again! This time I asked for a warning to be put on my patient notes.
Happened to me with Clarythromycin when I was on a heart regulating drug which was contra-indicated. I blacked out and came round after the paramedics had been called. The first thing they did was look at my current medication and said straight away that I shouln't be taking this antibiotic.
Some GP's just don't check on your history before scripting away. I'm old enough to remember when the family doctor knew everything about my medical history before reaching for the prescription pad! Wishing you a speedy recovery.xx
Just to balance out this discussion - there is a place for nitrofurantoin. I’ve taken it twice for acute cystitis when other remedies failed, and it saw the infection off quickly without noticeable side effects. The patient leaflet doesn’t say you definitely shouldn’t take it if you have lung problems, just that you should talk to your doctor first. A long course could adversely affect the lungs but short ones are usually ok