I was referred to respiratory a few weeks ago due to recurrent chest infections with pseudomonas, raised FeNo, and strongly positive avian precipitins. I managed to sneak a cancellation for Thursday and I was wondering what sort of tests would they do and would it be a long appointment. Any insight would be great.
Chest clinic appointment.: I was... - Lung Conditions C...
Chest clinic appointment.

More than likely a spirometry and a chest x ray and the peg on your finger as well and perhaps blood tests!
Marvellous that you've got an appointment very soon.
At my referral after the usual weigh in I first had several allergy tests there were six on my arm, (they were looking for the allergy to aspergillus a mould ) I cant remember if there was an avian one but be sure to ask them if the do allergy testing. Then a full lung function test in a cubicle - think a second test after taking ventolin too. Hopefully you'll get a CT scan which is a brilliant for diagnosis. At my second hospital appointment there was an interview with the respiratory consultant to discuss results. It was at a further appointment that I had the CT scan (Small Airways Disease was dx on top of the asthma. The hospital was St George's in SW London, I'd been referred due to several bouts of pneumonia and constant chest infections over 3 long years, they were looking for bronchiectasis &/or aspergillosis.
The length of your appt will depend on what tests the consultant requests.
I do recall that the consultant passed me an inhaler whilst I was sitting at his desk and said "inhale that". I was reluctant to take in anything not prescribed. In his first letter to my GP he wrote 'poor inhaler technique ' grrrr. If he'd asked how I used my inhaler I'd have told him I stand at the bathroom basin, use a spacer & inhale slowly. Grrr
I'd advise you take your own inhaler & spacer if you use one, ask to be copied in to any correspondence to your GP and make a list of any questions you have before you go . My 23 yr old daughter came with me as an extra pair of ears. Good luck ..... and don't forget to ask how they'll control the pseudomonas.
Hope it was a satisfactory appointment.🤞🤞🤞
I remember getting discharged from the chest clinic back in 2018 after I had blood clots in my lungs back in 2017 and they did a spirometry test and put the peg on my finger and when they told me I was discharged from the clinic I cried in relief!
The Doctor was lovely. I had actually been pushed into a sleep clinic, although it was the same Doctor I was seeing in a few weeks. He took a history, examined my chest which he said was clear and he couldn't hear any crackles and said he was ordering more detailed breathing tests and a HRCT scan and he would see me with the results. Is it a good thing not to hear crackles, he said the CT scan was to check for bronchiectasis.
AH, The game's afoot Sherlock.
Good luck with the tests, and don`t be worried be positive .
I'm not worried I just want to find out if there is anything going on. I'm so tired, I fall asleep at the drop of a hat even when I have just got up! At the moment I don't feel ill like I have an infection but my chest always feels " full " if you know what I mean. I also have a constant headache always in the same place.
That's very distressing.
All I can advise is you keep on at your doctor and hospital.
I can`t remember the last time I saw the end of a film on TV.... but I don`t have headaches,,, except my wife who rants on and on at me...... A love her really !!