Waiting to have a spirometry test but have been told I have COPD for over a year but not tested for it.so breathless when doing anything no chest infection blocked sinuses
.Has anyone taken Lignosus - Lung Conditions C...
.Has anyone taken Lignosus

Nope, I dont fancy taking anything not tried & tested. There are a few posts about it though, just write it in the search bar.
I hope you soon get tested with spirometry for a clear diagnosis. P
yes I have tried it, I found it completely useless
There are so many ads these days for respiratory herbal remedies. Many of these ads show people getting rid of conventional meds and taking up herbal remedies. Not a good idea to stop conventional meds surely in place of something unproven ?
As far as I know Lignosus contains Mullein which make us cough- it is an expectorant, a very old herbal remedy. I have tried Mullein in the past but it made me cough my ‘boots up’ - never again. Borage had the same effect.
The only herbal I take is a Fenugreek seed tea infusion which I make myself and it just calms my lungs down.
Hope this helpful?
Go well
Sorry haven't heard of that
N-acetylcistine or NAC is what some take for COPD. I take it when my chest is bad. I’m an ex smoker and have been told I may have COPD not asthma. I’ve not been tested yet, but it only ever seems to affect my left lung so I don’t think I have asthma. I also take Vit D3 with K2, along with magnesium (not magnesium oxide as it’s poorly absorbed) I also take zinc picolonate (not oxide) but zinc shouldn’t be taken when on antibiotics as it can interfere with them. I take Vit D3 through winter months as I live in the Northern hemisphere & no Vit D from the sun in winter. Vit D3 is a fat soluble vitamin so needs to be eaten with a meal containing some fat. Both zinc annd Vit D are imunomodulators. Also eat a diet full of fruit and veg with lots of Vitamin C and other nutrients as these help. I did read about a study on retinoic acid, a derivative of Vit A for helping those with respiratory issues, though you have to be careful as Vit A is stored in the body. You can obtain enough Vit A from the diet. Always make sure any supplements you decide to take don’t interfere with your medications and are safe to take with certain health conditions. Eat a healthy diet with no inflammatory or processed foods and have omega 3’s, fish, extra virgin olive oil etc in your diet. In summer, or if you live near the equator, you can still get Vit D from the sun so no need to supplement with it. You can’t overdose from Vit D from the sun, but early morning sun is best for preventing skin cancer. emphysemafoundation.org/ind...