I recently had a CT scan for my heart that’s thankfully came back fine but on the CT scan they have found bollous lesions on my lung the letter sent to my doctors state it’s important I see a specialist I’m worry like mad not knowing what this means I’m just wondering if anyone had any advice I’m at the doctors today for a different issue and will try ask the nurse thank you
test results : I recently had a CT scan... - Lung Conditions C...
test results

Hope you get to speak to the nurse today and she can put your mind at rest. Take care xxx
I think bollous lesions on lung is a type of emphysema - I have emphysema but not sure if it's the same type...You will get sorted when you see consultant.
Thank you for replying hopefully it won’t take long im a bit off a worrier I couldn’t talk to the nurse today at my normal doctors as my appointment had to be changed I was hoping my normal doctor would ring me and tell me he has had a letter back from the hospital but they have not i only saw the letter on the nhs app from the ct scan and the referral letter
My husband has been diagnosed with this. He has COPD and was told that it is common in people who have smoked cannabis?????? Unfortunately his lung function is now 49%, but he is 75 and smoked roll ups from the age of 17 until about 7 years ago. Try not to worry too much. I’m sure your GP will arrange a referral for you, and the specialist will be able to put your mind at ease.
Thank you for your message I hope ur husband is well and I do smoke but I don’t smoke cannabis I’m 35 and have been smoking from about 15 now I’m feeling very stupid I wish I never smoked I’m a worrier but this is making me really worried I’m hoping it’s nothing I haven’t been diagnosed with COPD I only had the CT scan because off issues we thought were my heart but my heart is fine they found the bollous lesions on my lung from the CT scan x
I hope your appointment is quick. I've just been urgently referred to respiratory as I have been having recurrent infections and my tests show inflammation and raised antigen levels. My appointment isn't until the end of March! It's worrying having to wait isn't it. 😕
I'm pleased you're heart is ok and I hope you get sorted
might be nothing - could be early emphysema and if you stop nothing more might come of it. Have you any symptoms?
I have had a lot chest infections these past few months and pain im my back I also had covid again in November I also get breathless at times im extremely tiered i just put it down to my b12 being low I have injections for b12 when I’m at work im always on the go I work in a school and thought the racing heart and breathless ness was due to my heart and stress but my hearts fine
The fatigue is likely due to your lungs. How many do you smoke a day? Can you start weening off with the vape? I’d try and recover and much as you can and then prioritise avoiding chest infections going forward. I’m 40 - stopped smoking @ 32. Two infections in the last two years have finished me. Can’t work, exercise, and my life is now essentially wrecked (looking like some form of severe asthma / chronic bronchitis/ small airways disease - they don’t really know). I’m probably a genetic anomaly to be this bad this early so I wouldn’t worry too much but don’t just ignore this. Lungs are fragile as I’v found out in the harshest of ways.
I smoke around 10 a day some days less some days more but am now looking into stopping smoking and at the moment I’m not at work due to how poorly I have been fingers crossed I can get back son and thank you hopfully you will feel better also soon
I’m surprised this diagnosis hasn’t given you the impetus to stop entirely, right now
I have spoken to somone about what I can use to stop smoking and if about the help they give and I do not know what this diagnosis means ether as I have not had answers but yes I know smoking causes damage to the lungs and I know and feel stupid for even starting smoking at a young age And not stopping sooner
What I’m thinking is, it’s pointless beating yourself up about smoking, it’s in the past & you can’t do anything about it. But you can do something about the future! Lung damage is irreversible, but you could stop it in its tracks, today, if you stop smoking immediately. You’re in control, you don’t need anyone else telling you what to do, just chuck them in the bin & be an ex smoker 😊
Give the Nicorette inhalator a go. Got me off a 45 year 60 a day habit. The damage is done though.
With the awareness these days, I'm just happy that my (now adult) kids never even started.