Is nausea par for the course with copd? It seems like my SPO2 doesn’t need to be that low to have it. No rhyme or reason as to what brings it on - sometimes coughing.
Nausea : Is nausea par for the course... - Lung Conditions C...
Hi chook, I usually cough till I bring up air sometimes besides the sputum but not nauseous. Are you sure it's not your medication or something your taking that's mixing with it. If I have a new medication to try the first thing I do is look at the contraindications with other meds. Just a thought 😉
I have long standing COPD and for a year ago I get nausea quite a bitnot sick though. I haveother conditions so with me I am unsure the true cause.
I have COPD but rarely have nausea. I do take omeprazole to dampen down stomach acid.
Maybe check with your GP whether you have acid reflux. Or you could try buying a pack of omeprazole over the counter at the chemist (make sure to check OK with your other meds before you buy). If the nausea stops while taking them, you'll have a better idea of what is going on.
I have been getting nausea since around Christmas though never actually sick, not sure why or whether it's anything to do with my COPD> Think it's more likely to be the heart meds I'm on, which I have to take Lansoprazole for to protect me stomach. I was going to mention it at my review later this month. Good luck getting it resolved. xx
I think mucus which is stuck in ones throat can make you feel sick. Are you on Carbocystiene? this thins the mucus making it easier to clear. When I was a teenager, I used to have cattarh and sinusitis, and the bunged up feeling made me feel sick.
I've recently been shown, with a poo test, to have an infection in my stomach with a bug, Helicobacter Pylori. Apparently a large percentage of people of the world have it. But, what it can do is give you a stomach ulcer. I also found that it exacibated my acid reflux problem, as I was finding it difficult to swallow. So, taking my large number of tablets, morning and night, was becoming harder. I was worried I had cancer of the Oesophagus. To combat it, I was put on 2 antibiotics for a week, and my Lansaprozole had been increased from 1 x 15mg to 2 x 30mg per day, for a fortnight. I've found acid reflux makes it difficult to swallow drink and food, and that can make you nauseous. The medication has sorted the bug as shown by a poo test, and I'm back on 1 x 15mg Lansaprozole, and swallowing is ok now. Look up Helicobacter Pylori; very interesting.
I have copd and have been nauseous for over two years now! Lots of scans/tests showing no reason. Various meds tried. After seeing a gastrointestinal consultant last week I've been referred for a camera up and down, though of course that could take a while.