Hi all, I have bronchiectasis and have recently developed an allergy to anything containing perfumes, cleaning products, personal care etc. Can anyone recommend tried and tested products with the same issue as me?
Thanks 🙏
Hi all, I have bronchiectasis and have recently developed an allergy to anything containing perfumes, cleaning products, personal care etc. Can anyone recommend tried and tested products with the same issue as me?
Thanks 🙏
Hi Chrissysophie,
I have asthma and I am the same as are many others. I use ecover products that have no added perfume and some things that are odour-free. I am unable to use any aerosol products and any free standing products like air fresheners. I use odour free dettol wipes, but with ventilation and as short a time as possible. I can use Fairy Platinum washing up liquid. I do use bleach in the toilet, but I hold my breath and have the window left open/leave it in there and go back and hold my breath again. Supermarket cleaning aisles set me off also.
For me it has been trial and error. I cannot use any essential oils or natural scented things either. Natural doesn't me safe for me. Fresh flowers are a no go also. I feel it encompasses everything that we may add to the air we breathe, so it may not just be cleaning products for you.
Good luck finding what works well for you.
Thank you so much as I can relate to everything you just said 🙏 It’s such a relief that it’s not just me. I’ve been using Persil non bio and comfort pure for years, but the smell on my PJs woke me the other night to an awful cough and couldn’t cope with the smell as it turned my stomach inside out. I’ll definitely give ecover a go. I also need to look into skincare so lots of homework to do. Thanks you for all the used tips 👍🙏
You're welcome
I use the Ecover Zero for laundry - Sainsbury's sell it. I had the same issue with Fairy non-bio and their fabric conditioner. They suddenly added a different smell, I start off with a really tight chest and shortness of breath.
I use lots of Simple products. I'm struggling to find a shampoo that works for me - sensitive skin and post menopausal...
The joys of the menopause 🫣
Someone recommended Tropics skincare, but couldn’t cope with the smell and just too pricey. Best to go back to basics
I use E45 shampoo. It works for me. No itching , i have sensitive skin too.
Hi Collie4, that is what I am using now, but I have to be really careful not to rub it into my scalp as it causes itching. It can make my hair a bit 'heavy and lank' too, but definitely the best on the market so far and stops the dryness in my scattered grey hair!
I use Epaderm on my skin and wish they had a shampoo. It is so soothing...
No, you're not the only one. I struggle with most of what Hidden lists. Our local branch of Lloyds bank has such a strong air freshener pumping out from a corner of the ceiling, I've complained twice to the manager. As it still hasn't changed, I go in there as little as possible for as short a time as possible, holding my breath.
People really don't understand do they? I always try to educate them, but nothing has ever changed so far. For example, scented candles near the checkout in the local garden centre, hyacinths near the checkouts in S'burys, people spraying perfume in Superdrug. I will keep plugging away.
I did have one success in an indoor cafe where a couple were secretly vaping, in the early days of vaping. I had to report it to staff as I urgently needed them to stop. I asked them to explain why, rather than 'telling them off.' The people stopped and I had to use 5 puffs of ventolin to remain and enjoy my coffee and cake with my sister. Sitting outside a cafe is pretty much a no-go now as so many people vaping or smoking. We tend to get takeaway coffees and sit in a park area now, which is actually much better as we can feed the birds and squirrels too.
People seem obsessed with chemical smells, rather than improving ventilation! I think of all of the newborn babies being exposed to these.
My last workplace, people were obsessed with those reed smellies. Which I understand with some teenage smells (!) I was happy to educate them, I would ring 2 hours before my shift and they would put them all in a cupboard and open all of the windows!
I did get caught out once as one of the teenagers bought a red tree car freshener for the christmas tree. I felt so guilty needing to leave the house until they put it 'away' and ventilated it for me.
With regard to skincare products I find Simple products are fine with no perfume. It takes a while to go perfume / scent / fragrance free and a bit of trial and error for what works for you. I react to products with citrus (get a migraine) so many Ecover products don't work for me. Some supermarkets like Sainsbury's do have some fragrance free products.
I have taken a magnifying glass with me when shopping so that I can read the small writing on a label!
Thank you for your advice 🙏 I have spent so much money on skin care especially on Tropic products as it’s natural and thinking that would be better. After spending over £100, I discovered I can’t even use them because of the smells. I’ll definitely be going back to simple or even the body shop range as someone else mentioned. I noticed Holland and Barrett have skin care products too. Like you said it’s trial and error.
Since the advice I received on this chat, I did actually go Sainsbury’s and was torn between ecover and surcare. At the end I settled for surcare and seems to be ok at the moment 🤞 Everyone has been so helpful on this chat 🙏
I use manual doctor skin products and pink stuff cleaning products which don’t seem to have a lasting smell and clean things lovely
It gets expensive trying different things, only for it to cause a reaction.
I do use BodyShop Aloe Vera moisturiser also, their Vitamin E moisturiser is also meant to be good. I developed rosacea during menopause also, but that works brilliantly for me. Don't forget sun lotion too!
Oh yes, to the joys of the menopause - humour was my approach!
I'd just avoid cleaning. 😜 Seriously, I don't suffer all that much with cleaning product smells so can't suggest much though I avoid aerosol products. People with lung issues can often have allergy issues, including eczema type skin reactions. I find aveeno moisturiser very good and it can also be used as a soap substitute.
Trial and error. I avoid all perfumes except some natural ones. Method are quite good for cleaning.
I avoid allal silicones too. So given up simple creams , Those creams for skin are more important. I use "passion for natural" lotion" (this is a cream ) a lot and mix coconut oil solid with aqueous cream 50/ 50 for legs and arms. Read all the info on everything you buy . Do not forget washing liquids for clothes.
Try surcare products.
dont forget everyone is different..
good luck
I don’t have asthma - COPD with emphysema and usually I’m fine but last week I was drying a duvet cover on the clothes horse in our bedroom and the smell going up my nose made me feel awful as if I was going to be sick. I changed pods recently and it was the first time drying washing indoors instead of outside or dryer, so I’m sure it was the pods. I’ll have to go back to my normal ones. There’s lots of pure products such as for babies that may suit you better x
I use sanex products and try buying nancy birtwhistle books on making your own safe cleaning products ,no nasties in there x
I hadn't heard of her, thanks Tinker26. I'd love to start making my own when my life is in a bit more order. I liked sanex products, but now I need more moisturiser in products.
I feel your struggle as I also have to avoid certain cleaning products and also in the supermarket aisle can kick me off coughing with the mixed fragrances on the shelf ,scented candles and perfume section of chemists the list is never-ending
Oooooh yes, I know what you mean - all those chemicals eh ?
I use all natural cleaning products from Ecover, which is their bio laundry product, fabric conditioner, washing up liquid and toilet cleaner. The latter has quite a strong odour but it doesn’t set me off. All these I usually can get locally by refill so it saves on plastic too.
Skin care I use Weleda products and Faith in Nature shower gel.
Seem to be ok with all those. Tescos range I think is called Mode ? Is quite neutral as well.
Hope this helps ?
Simple answer NO. My wife reacts badly to aerosols of any sort. A real tight spasm that causes shortness of breath for several minutes. Same applies when we have a delivery of central heating oil, and the tank is just below our room. As soon as he`s gone, all the windows open, no matter what the temperature to air the room. I look forward to reading all the replies. Have a good, irritant free day, Chris.
Yes, me too! For washing I use Ocean (?) sheets. I think with cleaning we can be a bit over worried by germs, I just use cloths (changed each day) and washing up liquid, also white vinegar and lemon juice are more effective than you could ever think! For the loo, it has to be bleach (hold your nose and run!).
Good luck xx
Have a look at ecover.com/ecover-products/...
Hi, i am the same. I use Ecover to wash my clothes, Zero smell, also i use Simple face cream and body wash etc, again no perfume. To clean my work surfaces etc i use my own made solution, bicarb, white vinegar and lemon. Vinegar is a disinfectant .
There are lots of friendly solutions,
I used to love wearing perfume but i can’t now. I don’t venture out very often as there’s too much pollution and irritants everywhere , especially in towns which fortunately i’m not that close to one.
I hope you find something that suits you.
I use a range of cleaning cloths called Enjoy that work with just water. Its been 5 years now and never had a cold or a stomach bug nor anyone in the household. That includes the toilet by the way. It is unstained and sparkling clean. The cloths are pricy to start off with but I have not bought anything except Ecover floor cleaner and the very occasional washing up liquid for 5 years. I use SMOL dishwasher tablets and washing capsules that have no smell.
Cleaning products tend to be terrible for our water systems and wildlife so it win win
hi, yes have had that problem for decades. I used to use persil non bio and comfort too. I use capsules and found some unferfumed ones at Marks and spencer. They have recently changed them to 3 colour ones. I dont use fabric conditioner now and i usually do an extra rinse. I use Aveeno body lotions and face cream. Its hard asking friends and family to be careful of what they use when visiting as they dont understand. I am in hospital for anti biotic treatment on a respiratory ward and nobody wants to open windows. Patients have used sprays and perfumes even the uniforms smell. Cant wait to get home
thank you. Hope you find some products you like.
I find baby lotions and products from my local health shop are least likely to upset me.
I have asthma and copd and like you I am very allergic and sensitive to cleaning products. I use a mild solution of vinegar and water for my cleaning with does not bother either the asthma nor copd.... but I do wear a mask when using this. I also cannot use any air fresheners . My home smells like a pickling facility when I am done cleaning but dissipates within a few hours. I use the Clorox wand and toilet cleaning disposable disks for toilet cleaning which does not bother me ... more expensive then bleach but bleach make me wheeze.
Hi, I use Ecover Sensitive Washing up liquid or the supermarkets equivalent and have stopped using any fabric conditioner and I clean with perfume free wipes. I also use perfume free sensitive face cream and body lotion and shower gel. xxxx
Faith in nature do a lovely laundry liquid and washing up liquid, only products my lungs will tolerate 💜