Lots and Lots of phlegm: Good evening... - Lung Conditions C...

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Lots and Lots of phlegm

Crimsoon profile image
18 Replies

Good evening all,

Please I need help…

I have lots of phlegm coming up. My scan showed mucus plugs.

I have no difficulty getting it up… it keeps on coming and coming…

It is effecting my life quality so much. I’m back at school next week. Honestly, I don’t know what to do.

I can’t go to functions, visit relatives as lm constantly coughing because there is a build up of phlegm to bring up… sounds disgusting.

Consultant has said that I do not have bronchiectasis.

I do have very high Eosinophils.

He has put me forward for biological asthma injections.

I need this phlegm to stop.


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Crimsoon profile image
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18 Replies
Sunshine404 profile image

Are you asthmatic? Have you given a sample for sputum culture? Did your GP order a CT scan for your lungs?

Crimsoon profile image
Crimsoon in reply to Sunshine404

Yes, I am… yes culture samples have been tested - all clear. CT scan - mucus plugs.

Sunshine404 profile image
Sunshine404 in reply to Crimsoon

In some cases, asthma also causes mucus plugs if you have allergy or sinus issues as well.

High eosinophills often indicate presence of an allergen in your system. Have you been tested for serum IgE?

Lynneypin profile image

I wish I had some good advice to give. I have exactly the same problem and I’ve also had Ct scans and sputum cultures. It’s so revolting isn’t it. I hate it.

I think if you have been put forward for biological - there’s a chance that will help.

123Daisy profile image
123Daisy in reply to Lynneypin

Read my new post.

PaulineHM profile image

Hi Crimsoon,

Oooooh how horrid for you.

Really wish you well with the biologics when you start them. So hope they suit you and that you will soon be feeling much better.

Go well


Mama-bear60 profile image

Do you do your physio every day? Maybe increase to beginning and end of the day. This helps me to clear any mucus that has built up over night.

Biker88 profile image

bialogics are apparently very good, but have you got an anxiety cough as well, I get a lot of mucus and constant coughing in anxiety situations. Back too school, cough too much to go to functions sounds like something else to consider. If your chest is clear of infections then a cough can be an allergic reaction or anxiety.

Seagullcity profile image

Hi, unlike you I have been diagnosed with bronchiectasis, but I have a similar antisocial problem with constant phlegm production. It was a like a tap that turned on post covid and never turned off. In my case it’s very viscous and difficult to shift. I feel like I have a dead slug in the back in the back of my throat all the time and I’ve been advised to ‘learn to live with it’.

I believe other people with asthma on this forum have been given biological injections and say they are very helpful. If you ever get any treatment which alleviates the phlegm problem, I’d love to hear from you again.

Good luck.

VirginOil profile image

Hi Crimson I also have thick horrid phlegm, it gets me down as I can’t go holidays due to my morning regime of saline nebulising and then AerobiKa clearing which is disgusting. I have bronchiectas as well as pseudomonas, it really gets me down.

123Daisy profile image
123Daisy in reply to VirginOil

Read my new post.

123Daisy profile image
123Daisy in reply to VirginOil

Read my new post.

Patk1 profile image

Take a look at aluk website - lung clearance( active cycle of breathing technique).it teaches u how to empty lungs perhaps morn+ evening, to give u a bit of control back.u cld go to loo × do quick session lunchtime/break.ru on a steroid inhaler to reduce inflammation

123Daisy profile image

My son bought me Air Physio. Is the Aluk better?

AsthmaandLung profile image

Hi, here is the link mentioned by Patk1 to the active cycle of breathing-


Don't forget, you are very welcome to call our Clinical Team who can give you advice on managing your mucus, and also answer questions you may have about biologic treatment

Do give us a call -asthmaandlung.org.uk/helpline

Take care

Helpline Team

Alberta56 profile image

You need to get rid of that mucus- it's a breeding place for nasties. I found my AeroBika helps no end. Eventually the mucus will stop, but it seems to go on for ever. You really need to go back to the doctors and ask for a sputum test. Would you school be understanding and let you leave the class when you need to cough? The AsthmaLung helpline is very good -knowledgeable and reassuring.

Crimsoon profile image
Crimsoon in reply to Alberta56

Sputum tests are all clear.

The consultant has given me a mucus clear nebuliser.

Thanks for reply

Nula2 profile image

Hi, I have Bronchiectasis, recurring Aspergillosis and Asthma as well as other non lung conditions and struggle to clear mucus so understand how difficult it must be when you're struggling but no proper diagnosis. Hope the biological injections help and you get a diagnosis soon. Keep us all posted 🙂xxx

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