Hi everyone hope you are all well.I have not posted for a while I have been unwell with headaches I have had a headache everyday for the last two weeks and I was wondering if you could have headaches with copd but I also have Fibromyalgia so could it be that I go to bed every night with a really bad headache but still I get up in the morning having around two hours sleep and start my day like cleaning the house etc I am really fed up of this now it's day after day I'm in pain and breathless my chest is always rattling the sound is awful but it's so hard to get an appointment for the doctors so I just have to cope with it I'm sorry for being a kill joy I was just wondering if anyone else as had problems with headaches I don't know much about copd I have been diagnosed for around q4 months now I haven't read up about the condition so really I don't know what to expect all I know really is that it's a lung condition and there is no cure.
Headaches: Hi everyone hope you are all... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi Panther. It is possible to get headaches with lung disease. This happens from a lack of oxygen to the brain and too much carbon dioxide build up. These headaches are common in the morning after waking up because of too much carbon dioxide in your blood. I hope you can find the time to read up on your condition. It is empowering to know what we are up against and the treatment options available. For me, it helps me consult with my doctors better. Best wishes to you.
Cas xx 🌿🌻
l agree with Caspiana but would also just add to make sure you’re not dehydrated. Drink plenty of fluids especially water. Hoping you feel much better soon and get to know more about COPD. Xxx
Hi panther. So sorry you are struggling right now. Yes it is hard to get to see a GP. In my surgery it is ringing as soon as the clock strikes 8, sitting in a queue with fingers crossed and hoping for the best.
However, I can prebook appointment with the asthma/copd nurse. In the past I have found that if they think you need to see a GP they can magic up an appointment. This might be something you could try? There is help out there and you should not be feeling that you just have to struggle on. If push comes to shove, ring your GP for an appointment and if you can’t get one ring 111 immediately, tell them you need to see a GP but you can’t get an appointment- they can also magic up same day appointments often with your own GP
I used to get regular 10 day migraine like headaches, treated for migraine for many years. It wasn't migraine, it was sinus related. All sinus cavities in my head were full of solidified 'matter'.I'm not a doctor so just suggesting another angle from the excellent replies above
Copd is not curable but it isn't terminal either. It's progressive and you can control this . Many live 30 yrs even more .some into their 100's so don't worry about it. Most die from something else not COPD. I wish you a long and happy life. Sorry can't help with headaches xx.Sheila 🙏💕
I get CO2 related headaches sometimes and find that doing some deep breathing, especially breathing out, usually clears them.
Are u drinking enough fluids? Lack of can cause headaches also if u wear specs,are u due a check up?I've had q lot of headaches past few wks but not every day.whn I do,I check weather app+ find its usually due to air pressure changes x
yes , I get a headache which wakes me most nights or early morning , usually wears off .
Last three days continuous pain , but it’s gone hurray . What a difference .
I have infected sinuses , take AB s but it always comes back, lying down makes it worse . Humming is supposed to help, believe it or not ….but I think my family would object .
But please don’t put up with it , try again to see a health professional .
For UK residents ALUK have a helpline , open again Monday
Sending best wishes .
Have you had your nighttime/early morning headaches investigated? It’s often a symptom of sleep apnoea, which you shouldn’t ignore even if mild. I had similar headaches for over a year but they wore off so I ignored them. Turned out to be related to EDAC (airway collapse) and a CPAP machine has made a huge difference. Improved breathing & no headaches. Just a thought!
You really need to see a doctor to get this checked out. Some of my colleagues have suggested various things which could be causing the headaches. If you can't get an appointment at your surgery, as Troilus has suggested, ring 111.