Hope you’re ok Don and that Smudge is keeping an eye on you and you are keeping an eye on us . Hope you’re getting some of these sun rays in your garden. Christi 😘
The Don!: Hope you’re ok Don and that... - Lung Conditions C...
The Don!

Hope you’re keeping well Christie, good to hear from you. Xxx❤️
All good thanks Carole hope you and Pete are well. Still working even though I should have retired last year, not ready yet as it keeps me active 🤞Still keeping an eye on my lung buddies . Christie ❤️
Smudge and I are fine thank you Christie, living quietly on our own. I’ve much enjoyed being an active member of this group, probably over active on occasions. But now I’m limited in what I can do and often my mind lets me down just as my body does. I was beginning to think that people had forgotten about the stuff I used to write, but I’m now realising that isn’t so. Our very best wishes Don & Smudge 🤡😽❤️❤️
Hi Don,
so very happy to hear from you and Smudge.
Send us posts whenever you feel like it, as we all enjoyed the smile they brought to our faces.
Best wishes BERNARDINE 🌹🌹🌹
I shall have to learn how to access old posts so I can enjoy your poems again. Once read never forgotten. Much love to you and Smudge. xxx
You really should do that, the archives are full of interesting posts from long ago written by friends long gone. Sadly I’m not able to help you with that since my only skill now is sleeping. Smudge and I could out-sleep anyone on the group able to stay awake long enough to accept the challenge! 💤😺🤡xx
Hi Don none of your posts or yourself and Smudge will ever be forgotten your an inspiration to myself and I'm sure many more on this group you and Smudge take care xx
We can never forget you Don ! As you know I used to read and revisit your poems often ( and re camper van with midge) with my Muttie . Take good care of you and smudge. Christie and Queen Bee😘
Hey Don you won't be forgotten on this site you added to our daily humour, a lovely gent that made me laugh so often x
Hi Don, your posts and rhymes are the best, always puts a smile on my face x🤗
Lovely to see you on site Kristi and nice to know you log in every now and again x
Don! You are our poet laureate! You've put more smiles on our faces and giggles in our days than anyone! When your poems are somber, they strike a truth and when they're funny, they're as good as a box of puppies! Keep the pen and paper handy next to your recliner and if a spark of inspiration hits you we would love if you shared. Wishing you and Smudge a fine evening.😘