My breathing has got so much worse this last 12 months I was putting it down to constant bloating ,this time last year I fratured my spine in three places due to osteoporosis which I didn't know I had besides the pain it corsed me to loose 2inches in height, going through a osteoporosis booklet last night I came across how loosing height can corse breathing and stomache problems it described exactly how I'm feeling more breathless bloated and a feeling of squashed stomache ,sitting here this morning I am wondering what in the heck can I do about this ,I am also four weeks recovering from hip replacement and should be doing more walking than I am but can't because of breathing, I don't surpose this has happened to anyone else ,but any advice would be so appreciated thanks for listening to my woes I just don't know where to turn to
Breathing with spinal fractures - Lung Conditions C...
Breathing with spinal fractures

Hi Alice. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis this year. A bit late as I have lost considerable height and aquired a 'hump'. I have 4 fractured bones in my back.Also I find that my bones pressing on my diaphram makes it seem that I do not breathe properly. Even my sats drop if I sit leaning back in a chair. I have a book of osteoporosis exercises but they concentrate on arms and legs. I have found that doing gentle stretching exercises of my upper body helps me to open my lungs and breathe better. It also increases the sats and eases the pain in my back and ribs considerably. The osteoporosis society.have a lot of good information but as always having bronch I have concluded that I had to find a way to help myself. I hope that you might find this useful.
Yes Swizzy this does help thank you only thing is I'm abit held back from doing anymore exercises at the moment ,I am finding it differcult to do my hip exercises at the moment but ofcorse I will bare what you say for future
Yes it's very difficult. I had the top broken off my femur when a physio tripped me up when I was already in hospital for 12 wks last year. Those exercises are tedious and wear me out so I really appreciate how you feel. I do my stretching exercises sitting in a chair. I very gently and slowly lift my arms and bend to the sides then raise them in front of me and move them to one side then the other. Only once or twice at a time. It seems to lift my bones away from my lumgs, stomach and diaphram so that I can.take a breath easier.
I fractured two vertebrae about ten years ago , arthritis set in , so moving is painful . Fractured ribs too.
I have osteoporosis, lost height , and the space between my ribs and pelvis seems to have shrunk …so squashed stomach .
It doesn’t help that I slouch either , as it’s less painful for my back .
I used to do a lot of yoga , but worried now I could make things worse .
Trying meditation again for back pain …
I to slouch have a curve in my spine I can see now how it affects lungs and stomache as if we haven't gotvenough to contend with ,I do have osteoarthritis and rheaumatiod thank goodness I haven't got it in spine as jet
A physiotherapist told me that slouching can temporarily ease back pain, but that is important to then straighten the back to stop muscles etc around the core getting weaker. He gave me a set of core strengthening exercises which do help. Posture is important in osteoporosis, but go gently and avoid trying to do exercises which make any pain worse, or until you have built up your stamina. If you set the goal of doing something for ten minutes but can only do five, then do five. I use the computer and try to remember to pull my shoulders back and my head up when sitting. I watched my mother loose height with osteoporosis and know that it eventually led to her bending over more and squashing her upper abdomen area. Every little bit you can do helps.
I have lost height recently and feel my inside is very squashed up. Relieved to find I'm not alone, though it would be nicer if none of us had these problems. I think all you can do is persist with the hip exercises as far as you can manage them and assume you'll get there in the end but later than a younger healthier person. I had a friend who used to moan like mad about hip exercises, but she got there in the end. Best wishes. Let us know how you are doing. xxx
If you haven't already, consider trying to eat little and often so that a full stomach doesn't add to the problems caused by the shortened spine.
If Yr in pain,do speak to gp and ask if he can help with stomach issues.xx
My story is much the same. I’ve lost 5 inches because of compression fractures in my spine. I’ve had bronchiectasis since I was three (I’m 81 now) and in many ways my lungs are better than ever but I’m much more breathless. Like you I put that down largely to a reduced diaphragm. All the suggestions above are good. I can only add think about joining A+LUK’s Motivational Mondays as the breathing exercises are helpful. Pulmonary rehab should help and I find the exercise classes my BE group runs essential for keeping subtle. If you can find out about the Alexander Technique it would be good as the stretching out helps plus standing more upright (when I remember! ) . And don’t wear heavy clothes if you can help it. I hope your back gradually settles down and you find life easier, B