Is there a way to deal with this infection without antibiotics? Just recently diagnosed and a lack of information is making me very anxious.
Pseudomonas : Is there a way to deal... - Lung Conditions C...

Absolutely not, it's a particularly nasty bug which can colonise our lungs. The levels can be kept down & controlled with certain antibiotics .Put pseudomonas in the search bar, lots of posts on it will come up along with their replies.
I agree with peege. Pseudomonas can be treated with antibiotics in a variety of ways. Oral, inhaled ( by nebuliser) or by IV. The important thing is to keep the numbers down to a level where it is possible to live a normal life. The only reason to be anxious is if it is not being managed properly. Any non antibiotic ‘remedy’ will just be useless and allow it to run riot. Make sure that you have a good consultant with experience in pseudomonas who will advise your GP on treatment going forward.
I had it just over 2 years ago ended up in hospital on drip for antibiotics.
i agree with all the previous posters. Make sure you get good treatment.
I was diagnosed just over 4years ago and after a consultation with consultant I was given an antibiotics to take 3 days a week before food. Has kept everything on an even keel.
I be been looking at this on FB it has provided me with food for thought - particularly as I now have resistance to doxycycline on my latest sputum sample.
No, you don't want to mess with pseudomonas. You need antibiotics to manage it as any untreated infections will not only damage your lungs but also other organs.
The only other option is phage therapy which is sadly is not available to everyone but you can pay privately for phage treatment in Georgia. I will be trying it soon as I have some issues with some antibiotics and my pseudomonas is becoming resistant to certain ones. It's a nasty bug