A Thorax CT and don't know why? - Lung Conditions C...

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A Thorax CT and don't know why?

Ern007 profile image
33 Replies

Some of you may remember some time last year or late Autum 2022.

I was scedualled for BCG treatment after a struggle., but I was granted my wish and appointment made.

This moring I got a letter with an appointment for a Thorax CT Scan - I was puzzled and wondered if my GP was sorting somthing. OUR mobile CT scanners have been took from our hospita; and placed in the wilds of Preston, not the Hospital twinned with ours - They can't allow hospital transport, so I assume nowhere to park.

I rang number at top of letter, she was not surpised and cancelled that and said she will get me in a local hospittal soon.

That's all I know at this stage. I have not a clue why I am having this Thorax Scan.

Makes me wonder why a Lung Consultand want me to have a Thorax CT Scan.

I was doing a fun space picture with a tree and a bush - Not everyones cup of tea, but what Dr Smith would have liked.

So Dr Smiths Space Garden it is.

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Ern007 profile image
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33 Replies
Alberta56 profile image

Oh my goodness, Ern. What are they trying to do to you? They should at least tell you why they've ordered a scan. One gets the impression from reading this and other recent posts that some medics treat the illness (or possible illness) and ignore the patient attached to it.

Another lovely painting. I'm glad they have distant blue hills on this faraway planet. I hope those enigmatic looking posts aren't the inhabitants. They would be hard to communicate with.xxx

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Alberta56

Thank y ou Chris - This goes back a while, My last spyro was about three to 4 years ago, that ha tu stop because of eye injections, to much pressure or something.. Not my usual GP walked in and said an X ray had shown somethink on my Right Apex. CT scan confermed, PET Scan confirmed it had spread to right. I was given a call from preson CT dept to confirm thia, that was very surprising.

BC started and was giveb full body CT - to see if any spread. Well I had my BCG stopped because there had, then one said it was more scaring . Anyway back on that waggonand don't know why,

The white "posts" serve two reasons, they could be a slim racem or they could be there to puch back the monyains and cause 3D 😀 xx

sassy59 profile image

That’s a mystery that needs solving Ern as you do need to know why you’re having a Thorax CT scan. Hoping things can be sorted out and the mystery is solved.

I really love the space picture and the wonderful colours, thank you for sharing. Xxx❤️

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to sassy59

Thank you Carole - I got the letter yesterday morning unsigned to go to some health center on a car park near P:reston. I have turned thes down before Not allowed if getting transport. These X Rays and CT scans and Pet Scans have been going on for 3 or 4 years. A GP spotted soemthing, a CT for BC team also spotted something, I got my BCG stopped for that. Then it was allowed again as it was thought to eb more scarring- That consultant was a clown.

My breathing is worse and it's not just the CT Scan, well I dob't know why ordered, I was told the specialist name when I asked,, a Preston Consultant - On the letter I got yesterday, said no chance of CT at Chorley or Preson Hospitals, in Chorley case the mobile unit moved to the make shift in Preston. I called the number top of letter and she quickly said she would write me soon with an appointemt at Local Hospital - She did not sound like a switchboard operator either, The mind boggles Carole. Xxxx

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Ern007

All very mind boggling l must say Ern. Wishing you all the best with scans etc. Take care. Xxx❤️🩷❤️🩷

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to sassy59

Thank you Carolole, This is last BCG today, so that's good. I hope I get scan very soon. Xxx :-)

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Ern007

Good luck Ern xxx👍❤️

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to sassy59

Thank you Carole - When I get my appountment for the scan.I am going to ring her secretary to find out Why she has asked for this scan. xxx

Nula2 profile image

Hi Ern, hopefully some one can advise you asap about the thorax scan. Yet another procedure for you to go through🙄. Great painting again. I think the 'posts' are there for me to follow see where they lead to. 😊xxx

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Nula2

Thank you Nula2 - When I get my new appointment I am going to ring her secretary and ask why she wants me to have this scan - I have never heard of her. I hope it's a folllow up, but am sure my last scans was diagnosed and more scarring. - I like these types paintings for a change. the secret of the posts lye in the mountains :-) xxx

Nula2 profile image
Nula2 in reply to Ern007

Hope you get some answers soon🤞. Oooo I'm intrigued by the posts even more now😊xxxx

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Nula2

I am going to see if my BC Nursse can she cast light on this - The lines, If I did not put them in, the mountains would look to forward, and no 3D - They also can transmit 😀 xxxx

Nula2 profile image
Nula2 in reply to Ern007

Hope she can 🤞. Ah didn't realise about the 3D. -😁xxx

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Nula2

Thank you Nula - My BC nurse found out for me, I was send for a CT scan and I don't think it was followed up propper, it seems a consultant has picked this up and getting me scanned to what is what - Yes a bit of 3D is needed to give a picture depth.:-) xx I am pondering my Sunday evening paining xxxx

Nula2 profile image
Nula2 in reply to Ern007

Ah that makes it more worth going through I guess. Best to get any concerns he has checked out hopefully with favourable outcome🤞🤞. Looking forward to seeing what painting you share on Sunday evening 😊. Take care Ern ❤️xxx

Issy22 profile image

Hi Ern I hope everything goes well today.

Regarding your letter for a thorax ct scan doctors/ consultants can sometimes request them just to compare previous scans. They look for any inflammation or infection. Size , shape of the organs and any deviations of the last scan. I had one last year and again this year. I was told that mine was to check if any more blood clots had returned because I was still short of breath. Could you possibly ask Gp if he referred you when you said your breathing was worse. Hope you get answers soon.

A lovely space painting. Good contrast of colours and my favourite colour purple you use. Well done. Thank you for sharing.

Who is Dr smith ?

Issy x

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Issy22

Thank you Issy - Could be a follow up, last consultand said images just more scarring. I am going to ask BC Nurse can she throw any light this afternoon when i go for last BCG. I don't think I will have long to wait Issy, the lady I spoke to was adamant would be soon. '

I like to do a space painting every now and then, this on a smalller canvas that usual. I like to Share Issy, that you for your comments.

Dr Smith came from the very funny very watchable TV series lost in Space. xx

Issy22 profile image
Issy22 in reply to Ern007

Hopefully the appointment will be soon Ern.

“Lost in space “ before I was born that’s why I didn’t know Dr smith 😂😂

Have a good day Ern x

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Issy22

Thank you issy - I have the box set, cost a fortune, Blakes 7 a British one, I liked that to -) x .

Patk1 profile image

Love Yr painting Ern,the 3d and depth is v clever.i luv Yr colours too x

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Patk1

Thank you Pat - I enjoy doing this type. x

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to Ern007

It's very calming to look at but thought provoking at same time.you are very talented x

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Patk1

Thank you Pat, very calming to paint, and also with this type of art, possibilities are endless x

Dottie11 profile image

I hope you find out why re having scan. But good they are on the ball. Good luck.xx

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Dottie11

I am Bit late you will know by now, all sorted, It's a follow up.

Dottie11 profile image

A space dolphin. xx

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Dottie11

Lol, does look liek a Dolphin I painted. xx

Dottie11 profile image
Dottie11 in reply to Ern007

That is the great thing about art we all see different things. My mind will go towards animals, sea creatures, certain uplifting colours. xx

Mavary profile image

I love the colours. Nice and bright.

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Mavary

Thank you Mavary, I like colour, in the garden i go for showy plants like Fuchsias.

Ergendl profile image

Strange about the scan.

Your Space Garden looks as if there is some deeply significant symbology going on there. Is that for real, or shall we make something up?

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Ergendl

The scan, well I found out and I said no to that venu, so getting in my local hospital. It's a follow up to see if nodules on lungs found last year have grown.,

Interesting about the painting, On this one on to small a canvas really had no significant meaning but, Could be interpeted as peace, and silence. Unlike my Last one, an alian abduction. that is more interesting.

Alian Abduction
Ergendl profile image
Ergendl in reply to Ern007

I visited the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao last week, in a tour led by a knowledgeable art guide. It was amazing how he explained the building and the modern art works within it in terms of symbology and intent. Things I would have passed by unimpressed, he was able to discuss and at least help me understand the artist's thinking.

It reminded me of English classes at school years ago where the teacher explained all kinds of deeper meanings in the books we had to read. Yet sometimes, I suspect, the author just thought, that's a good idea: I'll pop that in there.

So we could discuss all sorts of symbolic meanings about your art work: like, the three pylons and the types of crosses they depict in your Alien Abduction; the number of planets and hills, the wheel on the top of the ghost... :) :) :)

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