I have been a smoker for years and have no room in my life for it anymore and can use all the support possible. It is a disease like any other addiction that lies to me it tells me to be okay when it kills me it makes me Stinky, disgusting, and taking my ability to be athletic
Encourage non-smoking please - Lung Conditions C...
Encourage non-smoking please

That’s smoking for you and not to smoke is very much encouraged. Unfortunately people do what they like so the tobacco companies still do pretty well. The cost in money and health beggars belief though.
Take care
Hypnotherapy may be a lot cheaper in your country where smoking must cost as much as health insurance. Good luck, after quitting and getting over all those years of poisoning your body & clearing the toxicity you could have many many years of good health, clean living, fun and athleticism. There is a Quit forum on HealthUnlocked
Hi Student of God, as Peegee says there is Quit Support , I am an administrator for the group Here is the link healthunlocked.com/quitsupport
If you are struggling we can help you .🙂
Good luck. Quitting must require an awful lot of will power.
When it comes to your health no contest. I chose not to smoke another cigarette 15yrs ago when my beautiful Granddaughter was born. I made her a promise I would see her Prom. She is 16 in July and her prom year. I'm still here after being diagnosed with severe COPD so it is worth it. No aids just will power. XxSheila 🙏❤️
America has cheaper cigarettes than here in Britain so it doesn’t help people to stop. I gave up smoking 13 months ago after 50 years. It wasn’t easy but I did it and I’m so proud and grateful that I did it. I didn’t know I already had emphysema so hate to think what I’d feel like if I was still smoking when diagnosed. You can do this, you need mental willpower and if you think aids to help you stop will work then use them. I had a fake, plastic cigarette I pretended to puff on and nicotine mints for a few months. Join the Quit support group and good luck.
I tried and failed so many times but finally quit after reading the book Easy way to stop smoking by Allen Carr, I dedicated a weekend to reading it . I am sure there will be one in a used bookshop somewhere. Good luck x
I used a vape for a while before finally stopping, have you tried the nicotine pouches, they don’t rely on inhaling into your lungs.
the main thin with these pouches is that you must be careful with strength
for example this one is hardcore nicocharge.com/product/iceb...
this is too strong. I like medium ones like nicocharge.com/product/wild...
great choice! tried them all. These are the last thing I really liked nicotinepouchesreview.com/e...
but overall this much more healthy than smoking or using vapes.
I fully support it! here is a good review of why the pads are better nicotinepouchesdeals.com/ni...
Hi as a child my mum smoked in the house and it's not pleasant to go to school with the smell on my clothes, as an adult I have never smoked myself but have ended up with bronchiectasis asthma and copd which has impacted my life but will not let it overwhelm me and I exercise enjoy life and be grateful for something new everyday. Keep going you owe it to yourself
You can do this. It won’t be easy. The “quit smoking” app is helpful, it lets you know each day how your body is progressively healing.
It took my Hubs and I three times over a 20+ year span to quit. Hypnotherapy worked for us. I have no desire to smoke ever again, but my hubs says he still misses it after 13 years. You can do this and it is soooo worth it.
Hi I smoked from being a teenager for about 10years. My kids didn’t d me the biggest favour as the told my hubby they didn’t want to kiss me goodnight as mummy smelt!! That was the kick I needed. It takes a lot of willpower but I honestly believe if you really want to do it you can. Good luck.
I smoked from the age of 15yrs old to 70yrs tried many ways to stop, my 7 brothers and sisters all had Emphysema and died and I have had it for 20 yrs now. When living in France I was in I.C.U. for 5 days and 3 on a ward with an exacerbation in January 2018 then in again 1st August 2018, I am on a trolly waiting for a bed and my french specialist pointed his finger at me and said if you do not stop smoking now YOU WILL DIE I stopped with no help that was 6yrs ago easier than I thought it would be ,and I loved my cigarettes. Just stop my friend and keep yourself well and busy.
I I smoked from 17 to 52. The last years iwas smoking 50plus a day I literally stunk of cigarette smoke. I now hav copd and my grand children started me on my quit journey it’s definatelly not easy but like me you can do it once you decide don’t go back it took me a total of two years I found the easiest way was to make a plan and stick to it I staarted of on zioban an and found it really helped but then realised you need to stop them now and do iton your own so my son in law stopped on his for another wkigot up the following morn at 7 and thought don’t give in so kept busy went in gardenhad my first gag at 8-30 didn’t smoke it all flipped it that gave me my little fixandat the end of that day ide battled through on ten cigs for daygod it was really hard but I felt proud the following wk I did the Same third wk instead of smoking half icut it to a third of cig and flipped it and only had eight cigs that day so you know you’ve got to make them last and have to leave it much longer in between and have faith you can do it when you get through the first year your almost there ide be out with friend and they’d be passing cigs round and ide take it and then said god I vepacked up and gave it straight back the first yr is horrendous you wake up keep going to the shelf or kitchen windowsill for your cigsevery day but stick it it’s like fighting with the devil but if I managed to do it on the 50 plus so can you flip it and see how long you can go without the next force yoursel to wait even half hr is better than none you’ll get there just flip it and see each wk how many you can cut by them buy I’ll be thinking of you from lily may x