Having to consider a stairlift in the very near future (next few months). Has anyone had any good experiences (or bad ones) with their purchases and if so can you recommend any particular companies and what they might charge. My stairs are straight and have 13 steps. Thanks in anticipation
STAIRLIFTS: Having to consider a... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi , I don't have one but know a relative who has. It's been a lifeline for her . Goes around a corner too. However, what she was not fully aware of was having to pay £500 per year for insurance and annual service! Check all the small print. Hers is from a large worldwide company. Its very slow! Folds up out of the way to let other users walk up the stairs. Good luck with the purchase. Oh and it cost about 4k . Standard stairs in a semi detached. One flight. It is possible to buy cheaper reconditioned ones.
You should be able to have a stair lift fitted free of charge. I have one which was free and is serviced also free of charge. Ask your GP or respiratory team where you apply to.
Hi I hire mine for £48 per month straight staircase 13 steps also. It has an arm that raises bottom track up so not cumbersome or a hazard
I had a Stannah stairlift fitted about 4 years ago , very proffesional and good quality but expensive at 6k with yearly mainenance contract of 160 i think.
I didnt realise at the time that in uk , i could have probably got it fitted via the council with refferals from consultant and that i get PIP i presume.
Hi Blue, I reccommend Stannah stairlifts too. Ironically I used to fit them for customers and now feel the need for one!
Stannah 600 with a straight rail you are looking at 4 to 5 grand. You can order direct from them or they have agents across the country, that fit and service them.
Agents service price is much cheaper
My mum who was living with my sister eventually needed a stairlift. Big old 11th century Priory, wih long curved staircase. No idea how much it cost but mum thought it was wonderful to carry the dry washing back upstairs. I`ll try to get next instalment of book uploaded later. Have a good day, Chris.
Good morning Blue1. Its just a suggestion but couldn't you get a move to a ground floor flat or bungalow in your area. I know in some areas property is hard to find. Depends if your social housing or you own your house. Better than spending thousands if there's an option. Good luck. Brian
We went for a refurbished sa ed us a lot of money and still going strong after 7 years.
Hello blue1 I used to have my own stair lift from Acorn plus maintenance, when I was moving to a no stairs property I had to sell it at a total loss to myself. Then my move fell through. Free manual wheelchairs and free lifts are supplied via your GP occupational therapy and NHS Now there are many places that supply lifts second hand at about a third of the cost. I have a wheelchair of my own but can't get it up and down my steps to use it outside it also makes a rollator . But people who test my walking think my walking is normal. One leg is shorter than the other and although I have a new knee my balance is very dodgy as is my capability for steps, also have painful bursa under my knee. I was looking at the new style lift that looks like a scooter , you step on it and it lifts you up individual steps bit like the forks on a forklift truck. I would say investigate deeply before commitment. I found a stair lift very good what price comfort would be my sentiment. I could also send heavy items up on the lift to my upper floor with out carrying. Best wishes in your search for a good one that suits you.
I have a stairlift and it's a blessing
Hi Blue1, I have a stairlift from Handicare. I have had it since 2012 and never had a problem with service etc. The thing to bear in mind is after the guarantee runs out you will need a service contract. Handicare give 1, 2, 3 and 5 year warranty cover so you choose what you can afford. Obviously the more years you cover in one payment the cheaper the contract is. I usually pay 3 yearly. Other members have mentioned getting a stairlift from the local authority, doing it this way is not necessarily cheaper, you will probably have to pay for part of the cost and pay the service charge too. The wait for installation is also long. Good luck, Maximonkey
Hi I bought one after deliberating long and hard, but I knew this winter being so damp would really affect my breathing, so researched, and researched some more spoke to a few people that had one and realised there is little choice in the actual model range, what there is are a lot of companies mostly trading on there large advertising revenues whilst the smaller firms offer the same lift with installation etc for half the price.
I came across this firm for instance £1600 for seemingly the same service unicornstairlifts.co.uk/sta...
which ever you choose use due diligence Good Luck
I just hope that the stairs give me enough exercise to keep my muscles working as i have two flights of stairs , each wit bend at top . So want to know about the new proper lifts advertised. Not stairlifts.Though dont know where it would go in my small house.
I rent mine from Essex Stair lifts, the attendance allowance more than covers the cost, it was installed within 3 days of ordering it and has a yearly service.
Hello! I had a long stay in hospital and needed a stairlift quickly (my only loo is upstairs!). Going through all the red tape with local authority, OTs etc was a no no, so I got one myself. It was a company that specialise in second hand stairlifts. Mine was £500 fully installed and with a free service. OK there is no remote, but as it's only me here that doesn't matter. It was installed in a week/10 days and I have not had a problem (so far🤞!), that was a year ago.
If you would like the details PM me and I will dig them out for you 😊! Good luck with it, it was a life saver for me, I now use it on bad days or for taking stuff upstairs! xx
All I know about stair lifts is from other peaple who say it makes a difference to them and it was the best thing they did