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suspected copd or suspected asthma but now being scoped for reflux that effects me 24/7 any helpful advice please

Loooy19852 profile image
18 Replies

Hi thank you for allowing me to join the group and was wondering if this is still active but I’ll post my query here.

white female, 39 years old (38 at time of spirometer) 166cm tall, weight 55.0kg

November 2023 I come down with that horrid virus that’s fleeted us and was generally unwell with it, and come December I started really experiencing a tight chest and breathlessness on exertion. I forgot to mention that I got taken to a&e Christmas Eve due to feeling very poorly with chronic headaches, vertigo, and generally unwell, and had a ecg done was tachycardic but that’s normal for me when unwell, bloods done showed slight infection, and had a xray that was also clear, and was told go to your gp when it reopens so went to the gp who said my breathing issues of breathlessness and tightness was anxiety induced trialled ssris that made my breathing worse, so got put forward for a spirometer test, I failed at a reading of 63% to the 74% needed and shows signs of obstruction , I didn’t have the reversibility test done as nurse said if I didn’t think I had asthma then no need and quickly said straight away copd try this inhaler, ended up in a&e as the inhaler was causing to me at the time burning sensation and stomach aches, put it down to the inhaler stopped it tried anora ellipta again no difference and made me feel worse, so trialled the clenil modulite 100 inhaler that didn’t work and made me more aware of my burning and menthol sensation that I have had since January, so now I’ve stopped the clenil inhaler as I went to hospital with tachycardia and repeated ecg, bloods, and second xray that also come back clear with no scarring, no infection, and no sign of copd scarring, not to say I haven’t got it as I still could they said , and noticed for the last 10 days that I’ve had really bad reflux and gp said that the reflux could be contributing to the breathlessness and tightness and to take lansoprazole which I have been religiously and now my breathing seems to be improving slowly each day, wondering if this is the reason to my breathlessness and tightness and read that you can get adult induced asthma from reflux, does these symptoms coincide with this? Or am I being wishful thinking? I’m not denying I have lung issues as I failed my spirometer.

My only symptoms are breathlessness on exertion at times, tightness of the chest, odd pain now and then now I’m on lansoprazole and that’s it and obviouslymy reflux symptoms of hoarseness of the throat at times, sore gullet, stomach aches, burning and menthol feeling both In chest and throat and when eating, burps.

Sorry it’s so long but I wanted to get as much I. The post as possible, and thank you if you have managed to get this far and I appreciate it a lot xx

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18 Replies

Hey mate,

It could be COPD and that’s ok. We can deal with that. But there’s a good chance that it’s GERD cough if they’re wanting to look into that.

Maybe not a great idea to go to Dr Google, but I’m sure a lot of us do it. If you do use that resource, then I suggest looking at GERD cough.

Loooy19852 profile image
Loooy19852 in reply toAussiechristopher

Hi thank you for the reply !!! I appreciate it a lot, and I’ve not heard of GERD cough? Only reflux and all I know is I’ve sent a test for h pylori and going for a scope to see why my throat and gullet and stomach are sore with the burning and menthol sensation, I try not to google but when I feel the gps and nurse don’t know then how am I to know what’s happening, I’m none of the wiser, all I know is I got Covid November and by Christmas I was wiped out with breathlessness on exertion and tight chested, nothing worse than not knowing and don’t know where to look but someone pointed me here and I still can’t find anything.

I’m hoping it’s not copd but at the same time I’m also thinking it is, just the wait for another test is not doing my mind good. I’m more inclined of asthma than the other as I don’t produce phlegm, don’t cough unless I have the stuck throat feeling to clear it and I’ve not had chest infections for as long as I can remember and the last lot of serious antibiotics was in 2015 xx

Aussiechristopher profile image
Aussiechristopher in reply toAussiechristopher

Hi Loooy,

I agree…nothing too wrong with doing a bit of reading here and there lol. Sounds to me like you’re just suffering the tail end of a Covid hit.

I stumbled across GERD cough when I was feeling really short of breathe all of a sudden after a holiday I was on.

Being an ex smoker of course I thought this may have caused COPD. But then I recalled a gastroscopy result and recommendation id had months before.

My result said that I had a break in the membrane in my oesophagus and that a tablet was recommended to help with reflux.

I had been coughing a lot and thought can this be related to reflux 🤔. So Dr Google said there’s something called GERD cough which can really cause breathlessness.

So I’ve been taking this tablet for about 3 weeks now. I need to take it for 3 months. But the coughing has gone away. Are the 2 connected? Am I an unbeknownst genius Dr…highly unlikely.

I did get a good result on my spirometer test and lung xray. This helped ease my mind. It did take 2 weeks after that for the cough to dissipate. So who knows.

But yeah this could be the case for you. Perhaps having Covid and an already agitated tract due to reflux has caused some breathlessness for you too.

I wouldn’t jump to COPD just yet. Your spirometer will give that answer. If it isn’t then woo hoo. If it is then into managing it and that’s what you’ll do.

Loooy19852 profile image
Loooy19852 in reply toAussiechristopher

Well today Ive felt tight and breathless when walking around but I have been lazy today and not gone out but been sat reading up on things, is it possible to have these symptoms at the tail end of Covid even 5 months later? Or the lansoprazole wasn’t helping and I’m just having a off day I don’t know.

I definitely have some sort of reflux the menthol feeling at the back of the throat when eating, the burning behind the sternum and stomach ache every morning and evening I see it. I have symptoms for both GERD and reflux by the looks of it.

Glad you have found something but I failed my test the first round, have another next month to take but trying to get it done sooner is a pain, but both X-rays I’ve had have been clear of anything or even any scarring so I’m just confused that I can fail it with a lung age of 70 and nothing show on X-rays that a&e have done.

I’m unsure if I had the reflux before January but I had covid in November for sure as the drs said that’s when I started to complain of the breathlessness.

The nurse is the one that says suspected copd or asthma and the drs saying reflux can cause your breathing issues but don’t pin it on that and sending me for a scope.

It’s hard living with these things and suspected diagnosis hanging over your head and to try and carry on like it’s okay to wait 3 months, it’s actually hindering me from quitting smoking but I’ve cut down a lot and plan on cutting down more as the days go on, the nurse and drs actually told me I was making myself more ill with stress and to just stick to a minimal amount and cut down as much as I can.

It’s so stressful at times xx

Aussiechristopher profile image
Aussiechristopher in reply toLoooy19852

Hey Loooy I sent you a message in chat :)

Loopylorre profile image
Loopylorre in reply toLoooy19852

Some people are still suffering from long covid after having it when we had the initial pandemic, so it’s gone on for a few years, hope you get sorted out soon & get your mind put at ease, wishing you well 💐🌺☺️ xx

Ern007 profile image

Hi Loooy19852 - you might have COPD and you will be treat for that, GERD lots of us have - I take Omeprazole AM and PM - It can be a nuisance.. but it is treatable, my treatment was upped last year, lots of causes for GERD, even worry. Dr Google as Aussiechristopher says is not the best, you can type a symptom in an get multiple possible causes.

Loooy19852 profile image
Loooy19852 in reply toErn007

I’m hoping o don’t but I’ve accepted I have issues just not sure what and the not knowing is driving me crazy x

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply toLoooy19852

Not knowing is not good, I had 18 months of it. Loooy19852 even if you have COPD, it's not a death sentence and neither is GERD - I have tachycardia and had it for years - have you been told why you have it? tachycardia can be caused by worry and stress and you was unwell with flue.

Try and find out what is what then you can settle. let us know. ;-)

Loooy19852 profile image
Loooy19852 in reply toErn007

I agree not knowing is the worst part of it all, and I know it’s not a death sentence but everything I’ve tried I’ve reacted too and now have this reflux to contend with too, my breathing has been better after stopping the inhalers and the reflux is starting to get under control but it’s a hard thing to swallow, I’m 39 and feel my legs are swiped from under me with it, and I kept fainting with a fast heart rate and always feeling ill so got a monitor put on for a week then had a loop recorder implanted to monitor the situation but they said syncope tachycardia, bradycardia and palpitations I think, I’d have to find the paperwork, I always suffer with heaviness to the left side of my chest and some pains when walking too and top back aches like today and yesterday but drs say it’s anxiety in the past so don’t like to waste an appointment for them to say it’s anxiety and don’t know what to think, I honestly think the suspected diagnosis is wrong but in turn I’ve accepted there is and just needing insight of it all as I didn’t pass the spirometer test first round and feel I was anxious and smoked before it when you shouldn’t, I know I need to stop too but the patches I trialled effected my heart rate and under gps recommendation I’m having to quit by decreasing what I have each day to get to stopping and that in itself is hard, so not only do I need to quit smoking I have the suspected diagnosis of copd, suspected asthma, reflux and having to go for tests for this too which is a scope, it’s all of a sudden as I was fit and well till I got Covid xx

Phill1 profile image

Also may be worth trying Peptac for your reflux? It’s fast acting & much cheaper than Gaviscon but just as effective. You can but it off Amazon if local chemist doesn’t supply it

O2Trees profile image

Just to add to the replies you've already had, specialists say that with copd and asthma it is harder to breathe OUT, while with reflux it is harder to breathe IN. However if you have both or all three that doesnt work. But something you could note with your breathing just to see.

Attitude is everything and I see you are saying you "failed" the spirometry test. To my mind there is no such thing as failing it. Another thing I didnt get is when you describe a "menthol" feeling. Isn't menthol like peppermint?

Re possibility of asthma, it is extraordinary that "I didn’t have the reversibility test done as nurse said if I didn’t think I had asthma then no need". Maybe Ive missed something but the nurse is the clinical expert, not you. She should have tested you for asthma. You may not ever have had a diagnosis of asthma but it can develop at any age. Quite extraordinarily negligent imo.

But re covid, this is such a weird virus, it seems to cause all sorts! Just push for tests and remember that whatever it turns out to be, all these conditions are treatable. The best self-care you could do right now is to continue the cutting down of your smoking. Good luck :)

Loooy19852 profile image
Loooy19852 in reply toO2Trees

Hi I was fit and well till I had Covid and that’s when I started to complain of my tightness and breathlessness to them and they said to do a spirometer at the drs and first diagnosed copd and straight on inhalers which made my breathing and tightness worse to the point I couldn’t settle to sit down till it wore off so trialled another and another and all gave me this burning feeling which is reflux the drs have said, so to me I failed the spirometer test with minor obstruction she said and then told me she suspects copd or asthma.

But since on lansoprazole and stopping all inhalers my breathing seems to have been better unless I’m anxious and then all 3 feelings kick in and I struggle.

The menthol sensation is a feeling I’m feeling in my throat, chest, and mouth when eating, it’s like breathing in cool air but it’s constantly especially with food.

And yes I told her this and she done a blow test that showed 7 but even then she dismissed my questions on why it wasn’t done and asked if it could be repeated and I got told to wait till end of April but I’m seeing her Friday so will ask again what’s happening as I’m not happy.

And with asthma I heard you can get that in adulthood and you can actually get it from reflux too,

And Covid I think is what has started these issues I think, and drs and nurse are blanking me for more tests or not knowledging my questions or dismissing them so I’m just as confused, and yes I’m gonna keep cutting down as the patches effect my heart and send me sick.

I’m not denying that I have issues I just don’t understand how they can say suspected then throw inhalers at you and leave you to it with out referrals to check. My X-rays are clear, no scarring, no infection, nothing, it’s just confusing.

But thank you xx

katieoxo60 profile image

Well Loooy19852, it sounds like a story from my past long before I reached older age. I was tested for Gerd and I have a friend with that as well as COPD. My Xrays as recently as 2021 were clear but I was confused as long ago it was agreed I had minor fibrotic scarring of the left lung. In January I was diagnosed as being very ill when Xrayed for what we thought might be muscular. I have been taking inhalers since I was in my late 30s. Hopefully next week we may have a decision on the test findings . So I would say take any tests offered but if you feel unwell do keep pestering your GPs for a diagnosis which may take time to reach. Have you tried the British lung foundation help line? Xrays do not show some lung conditions only doubtful areas that may need investigation., infections, broken bones and tumours benign or cancerous. You probably do have one of the lesser conditions like Gerd or COPD but you need to know for you to look after yourself and get the best treatment available, but tests have to be done for diagnostic purpose . Gerd can be controlled very easily, so can many coughs , I use Ventolin for my cough which controls it most of the time. I do truly wish you good luck as I know it can take some time to get these things diagnosed and treated. These days it could even be long COVID . Fingers crossed you get advice soon on what to do. Take care , keep warm and eat a well balanced diet. Sorry this is a bit long but hope it helps.

Timberman profile image

Hi Loos - COPD comes in differing forms, of which one is asthma. I have Emphysema (seriously damaged alveoli - the little sacs that transfer oxygen to the blood) and bronchiectasis (damaged to the little fronds or cilla that break up mucus on its way out of the bronchi).

Asthma is about various mostly allergic resections to90 all sorts of stimuli and can be confirmed with reactive tests. Mine was cats fur and pollen!

Emphysema is harder to confirm and needs some serious clinical checks, like spirometry plus some sort of bio check . I find you spirometry hard to understand - the FEV 1 (fully expanded volume). On the print out it show 0 which is clearly not the case. You report 63-74 which would be close to normal and certainly only 'mild' COPD. To compare my most recent was 27% which is very severe. But I am 80 and was a very heavy smoker until 50.

I am now on oxygen all the time plus nebulising with salbutamol. And 12 other meds including heart.

So, were you/are you a smoker? Did you suffer any other environmental pollution? Is there a family history?

I would urge you to get a second opinion from a COPD/Respiratory specialist.

All the best


Loooy19852 profile image
Loooy19852 in reply toTimberman

Hi timber man and thank you for your reply I understand that copd comes under every form from asthma to copd to emphysema, I can inhale perfectly the nurse said and it’s the exhaling I have issues with but was very nervous on the day of the test, and said there’s some obstruction she said and started trialling me on inhalers but they made me worse in the chest, I do smoke but have cut down a lot and not been around other pollution that I know of and my grandad had copd from working as a baker in his younger days xx

Loooy19852 profile image
Loooy19852 in reply toTimberman

I don’t think my nurse is going to refer me unless my next spirometer is bad but I’m literally on the cuff line I think with the results as if you put the data in online it says suspected and all tests are clear that I’ve had when gone to a&e with issues, I don’t think the gp nurse is being serious with it to a point but I’ve also had a stuffy runny nose since all this started and I was for and healthy before and it started instantly I’d say and not gradually but is noted at the gp that started complaining of these issues after catching covid in November xx

Patk1 profile image

Gerd is gastro esophageal reflux disease.lots of yr symptoms sound like that.if drs/nurses saY Yr stress is making u ill - anxiety is a major cause of breathing 02trees says- no result is failed.its just readings on that day.u may well do better nxt time,knowing what to expect.yr very fortunate having it repeated so soon.smoking is the major cause of copd.its Yr choice whether to stop or not,the best thing u can do is take steps to stay well through diet,exercise,reducing stress

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