I am so sorry I gave the wrong name when asking for advice. I was taking Gabapentin in hospital when I had partial lung removed I no longer take that now.The tablets that I should have said are CARBOCISTEINE tablets yellow capsules. I only caught on when it was mentioned about nerve pain in the reply’s I was wondering if anyone had any problems with breathlessness,tightness in chest or cough after taking these tablets I am supposed to take 2 three x a day.x
CARBOCISTEINE: I am so sorry I gave the... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi, when originally prescribed Carbocysteine I had the same dose - 2 capsules three x daily. Once my lungs were looser & I was cleared of infections I was able to go down to 2, twice daily. Have taken them for 10 years and they still do their job which is to soften any mucus making it easier to expel......and we definitely don't want mucus hanging about in our lungs all nice, wet & warm a perfect environment to grow bacteria!
Hi AllyB27
I have been taking Carbocisteine for over 2 months now. 1 tablet 3 times per day. I was already breathless , so can’t say it’s the tablets but I do get chest tightness, in the morning when I wake up but it goes after a few hours. They are very good at breaking up the mucus. No other side effects noted.
Issy x
I was on carbocysteine for 6yrs and switched to acetylcysteine effervescent tablets once a day and they are so much better for me as not noticed any real side effects
What is the acetylcysteine quantity per effervescent tablet?
I haven’t got on well with the carbocysteine capsules, I find they give me indigestion ( seem to get stuck on the way down) even if taken with food, plus can be too strong and cause more foamy phlegm than gentle liquid! Thanks!
My husband takes the carbocisteine satchets which seem to work better than tablets. 3 satchets a day.
Could I ask you a similar question about the quantity of carbocysteine per sachet? I use some French OTC pharmacy -sourced sachets which contain 200mcg which I find acceptable and tolerable, and provide good clearance. Thanks!
Just to add - I have run this by my GP who was ok with it👍
I have been taking 6 a day for years without any side effects, they help loosening phlegm.
I take 2x3 times daily and have for some years never had any problem with them at all, hope this helps
I take Carbocysteine was taking 2 x three times a day but at the moment, after lots of trial & error, I settled on 2 x twice a day. I take a probiotic at the same time to help with stomach problems. Think they do help thin the mucus (along with inhalers, nebuliser & Acapella choice) They do make me cough but that helps clear the mucus too. 🙂xxx
I've been on 2 twice a day for 4 years and never had any problems.
The satchets contain 750mg/10mls. They work really quick.
I took carbocisteine for 4 weeks- 6x day for 2 weeks reducing to 4 a day. I coughed my guts up literally but no mucus expelled. I stopped taking them because of the unpleasant uncontrollable diarrhoea it gave.
Aerobika, breathing exercises, and regular exercise have helped me enormously