Hi everyone I've just being reading the post about rehab course and the video as you all know well I think I have copd and it looks and the replys are really great I've never being offerd that just wondering how to go about it is it through repertory nurse or docter I think it would help me to maybe keep better management off breathless I get then anxious cause off it just thought it might help me deal better in managing it rather than feeling tearie at times trying to get it under control with stress which I know makes it worse thankyou
Germantara : Hi everyone I've just... - Lung Conditions C...

I can only tell you my experience - My "nurse" offered it ne, I declined but point being it was my nurse and not my GP. Hope you get sorted.
yes definitely go for it - ive just finished a course - it was very helpful. Ive had asthma for over 40 years and i never knew about the course, but having now done it i wished i had been offered it a lot earlier as you then are aware of the exercises you should do and all the educational stuff is very useful. Plus they monitor your BP and sats every week, so you get a feel for how your body is functioning over a period of time. Plus you get a chance to meet other people with lung conditions and exchange info. Just ask your GP or resp nurse to refer you. There will be a long waiting list but worth the wait. 😀
Hi it was offered by my respiratory department nurse and I am glad that I did it as has given me so much insight into what the conditions are about and how to cope with them
Yes, go for it through resp nurse. There may be a long wait but some areas offer it faster on line. Also in meantime have you looked at all the sound advice on line and booklets on various topics from Asthma and Lung UK? Good Luck
I asked my GP to send a referral for Pulmonary Rehab. He said it had very good results but had no idea how to refer me and asked one of the practice nurses to do it. That was in March 2015, shortly after I was diagnosed and joined here - where I found out about PR. I got a cancellation place on the course a few months later in August.
What a difference it made! I had been frightened of getting more breathless and had been turning into a couch potato. The physios running the course helped me identify my overbreathing and helped me improve my fitness and endurance.
Thoroughly recommend PR to anyone with a lung condition.
Mine was by a referral from the respiratory nurse at the surgery in Wimbledon where I used to live. I was also offered it the same year by the consultant's registrar the same year, I've always regretted not accepting the 2nd offer as I might have cheekily learnt more or differently from the hospital physios. The course I did in August 2013 was excellent, the main physiotherapist/tutor was very forward thinking, she told me the modern way was to get patients early so they could help to prevent them deteriorating. The patients had different lung diseases and were all levels on my course. A few on O2, a couple were seated only and one chap was aided by his wife. One chap even went out for a fag in the break until he announced one day it was a load of rubbish and left.
Good luck in your quest Tara
Incredible! You just can't help some people. I know someone like that, smokes at least 30 a day but continually moans about shortness of breath and gets other people to do things for him. He has a diagnosis of moderate to severe COPD! I'm glad to hear that the PR course is helpful, I'm on the list for one.
I was referred by my Respiratory clinic. It took a long time to get a slot where I am due to a backlog from lockdown. My assessment is on Monday and I must say I am looking forward to it. I note you have said you think you have COPD. A proper diagnosis is where to start and subsequent referral to your local services will follow
Been twice. Its the best thing you can do. AAsk your COPD Nurse or doctor to refer you x
Definitely worth going. I went after being diagnosed with emphysema over 9 years ago. I still attend the pulmonary gym every Monday morning for an hour and exercise 4 other days using an arm machine and my Cubii for my legs. Hope you get the opportunity too 🐞🐞
I have bronchiectasis not COPD but my lung specialist referred me. Hope you get some help xxx
Hi there, If you are under the care of Respiratory services nurses or doctors then if you meet the criteria for referral to Pulmonary Rehab then they can refer you. Your GP or practise nurse can refer you as well.
However, unless your have an MRC Dyspnoea scale score of 3 ( see photo ) you won’t be offered an assessment, or be put on the waiting list.
Even if you are accepted the waiting lists are long! It can take a couple of years to actually be accepted and get onto a course.
If you would like to engage in physical activity to start feeling better, there are so many local community exercise groups you can join. Although most of those classes are during the day, so not helpful for those who work during the day. These classes may include some respiratory exercise and can be reached via your GP or via your local Community health and Well-being team at your local district council.
This only applies in the U.K. of course . I hope this helpful ?
Go well,
Pauline’s been